Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Boring Wednesday Middle of the Week

Ok, so I couldn't think of a good title for today!

I'm doing pretty good, I managed to work all day Monday and then I didn't feel too good Tuesday so I came home at noon. Then today I managed to stay all day. I am over most of the effects of the pancreatitis, I just get tired easily still and I can't really lift anything. There are a few things I can't do, but I'm much better than I was.

Still waiting on jokes I can post here! What do I have to do, come up with a prize??!! I know you have funny jokes. And probably even some family friendly ones, too. :)

Mom's been on my mind lately. I know it's because we lost her in April, the anniversary is next week. So siblings of mine, and neices & nephews as well, how about some memories? I have a bunch, I know you do as well. One in particular is the trip to Hominy, OK and the pogo stick. And then Dad rushing her to the hospital because she'd torn a hamstring muscle since she was crazy enough to take Uncle Dave's dare and actually get on the thing! Oh and we can't forget the rocks that she moved from one house to another. Anybody else got any they care to share? One thing that I always remember is knowing that she was always going to be there for us and she was always involved with school, pta, choir, whatever we had going on and I am thankful for that.

Otter's birthday party was a sucess. She had a great time and so did her guests. The cake was good, they had ice cream cups & cokes and they made regular trips to the snack bar. Mostly for candy! But all that sugar was put to good use, they spent several hours zipping around the skating rink and they were all pretty tired when the party was over. She got a lot of presents and she enjoyed the entire party. Considering that her birthday was the day after I came home from the hospital and we had to put off her birthday dinner, I am really glad that we gave her a party this year. Her birthday dinner was fun, too. It was at Golden Corral, or as Dad used to call it the Hog Trough.

So that's it for today!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

More creative titles please.

I haven't come up with any jokes yet.
I have lots of memories of Mom, more later.