Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Tuesday's Doctor Visit

I saw the doctor today, she said that everything looks good. She also said that the weakness I have is normal, because along with the surgery I also have to get over a pretty bad case of pancreatitis. And she suggested that I not even attempt to go in to work this week, which was what I was already considering. I think I am going to take her advice and not even try to go in to work. I was absolutely exhausted just from the doctor trip today. We did stop at the grocery store but only for milk and that was a run-in, run-out trip. Ok, so I shuffled-in, shuffled-out but you get the picture! Anyway, I could not get back to my couch fast enough after we got home! I see the surgeon on Thursday and I am considering taking myself, since it's just a few miles from home. I am going to see how I do tomorrow and then decide.

I've lost 7 pounds since I was admitted to the hospital, which means that I have lost a total of 22 pounds since mid-January. I'm sure that some of the original weight loss was affected by the pancreatitis, but I'm not going to complain about that. I'm trying to find a silver lining here. 7 pounds in a week is extreme, and not anything I want to continue with but I'm not really surprised given the fact that I've been living on jello and broth for several days! However, I am beginning to be able to eat normal food now and I am going to be careful but not too extreme. I branched out today, I had vegetarian vegetable soup. Yes, the alphabet kind!

The electric company left a hanger on my door. They will be out Thursday to replace the transformer box that is in my back yard. I've already called and talked to the guy, since he left his cell phone on the hanger, and he assured me that the dogs will not be let out. They will have the power off from noon until 4:00, I will be here until at least 2:00 and then the doctor appointment is at 2:30. If they haven't gotten finished, I'm going to block the dogs in the garage where they can't get out at all since it will just be about 1 1/2 hours until the Otter gets home from school and can let them back into the house. I don't trust the electric company too much right now, considering the last incident with the beagle! And since Frasier the big dog can get out of just about anything, I don't trust them to get all the blocks back in the right place either!

Sister of mine, you are right - we had better get busy planning our summer visit. But you are the only one who has to plan, I just have to be at the airport to pick you up and then take you back there in a few days! SO GET BUSY GIRL!

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