Thursday, April 19, 2007

Wonderful, Fantastic Thursday!

Someone, I won't name her but it ryhmes with Doggie, told me that I needed to come up with a better title after Wednesday's boring one. Happy now?!

I saw this poem on a web board I belong to and I though it was really nice:

When the week is finally over,
It is wonderful to go
And putter in my garden
Where I watch the flowers grow.
It is pleasant in my garden
As I cultivate my seeds;
I plant and hoe and water
And I clear away the weeds.
Though it's frantic at the theater,
Here I leave that all behind,
And the calm within my garden
Gives this frog some peace of mind.
--Kermit the Frog

I think we could all learn a lesson or two from Kermit the Frog. Even if it's just a rock garden as in my case, since we decided not to put in a vegetable garden after all this year. We were going to, but my illness and recovery kind of put a crimp in any plans that involved physical work. But I'm probably going to get a couple of jalepeno plants and maybe a tomato plant or two and put those in pots. Last year we had bell peppers planted in the back flower bed. And we discovered that Maggie thought they were irrisistable, she ate most of them and the ones she didn't eat she carried inside and played with! Like I said before, she's insane.

Today is the 12th anniversary of the Oklahoma City Bombing and the 14th anniversary of Waco. Two things that happened that are "where were you" moments, unforgettable. The shootings in Virginia were just horrible, really heartbreaking. Makes me even more convinced that I should just lock the front door and never let the Otter leave!

So, Froggy - when are you coming to see me? Bring my rocks with you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry that you have lost your rocks. I have heard of people losing their marbles,but never their rocks.
