Sunday, April 29, 2007

It's Officially Spring

Because the hummingbirds are here! We were sitting on the deck yesterday afternoon enjoying the nice day. Something buzzed by me and it was a hummer. It must have been one of last year's crowd because it went to all 4 of the places I had feeders last year and then I swear this bird gave me a dirty look! I immediately jumped up and ran inside, found the feeders, washed them and filled them. Then I got them up and within 5 minutes the bird returned. There were as many as 15 at any one time last year, it was tricky to go out in the back yard and dodge them! There are now 2 here, one is a male ruby throat but the other one has not been still long enough for me to decide on breed or gender. But the first one was not happy to have competition for the food! It was not a mating flight, either - they were chasing each other away from the food and nearly ran into me. This is the earliest I've ever seen them. One of them was all over my iris plants.

It's been a month today since my surgery and I feel really good. Better than I have for a very long time in fact.

Otter and I cornered the dogs and bathed them this afternoon. We managed to get Frasier mostly dry before he got away from us, then he spent about 10 minutes running up and down the yard rubbing his wet fur on the neighbor's fence. Maggie was hard to catch, she saw what happened to him and she was having no part of it! We eventually got her and bathed her but she got away from us before we could get her really dry. Of course the first thing she did was roll in the grass that was mowed this morning, so she was covered, then the second thing she did was find some dirt! After about 30 minutes of staying away from us, she came back to us and I took the towel to her to get as much of the grass off of her as possible but she was dry enough that I couldn't get much dirt off. But at least she doesn't smell like she did before the torture session!

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