Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Exhausting Week! And it's only Tuesday...

I managed to go to work yesterday, Monday. I made it until 10:00 before giving up and going home. After I got home, I took a nice long 2+ hour nap and felt much better.

Today I made it to 11:30 before I ran out of steam. I was also in a little pain, so I decided I'd better head home. I didn't nap today, but I did rest until it was time to get Otter from school. There was an auction tonight that I met Bill at because it had furniture and we are looking for a bigger bed for Otter. The furniture was not what we are looking for, but I stayed at the auction because of a specific item I wanted - which we didn't get because it went for way more than I wanted to pay - and so I wound up staying way, way too long. I sat down as much as I could, but it was pretty cold and I probably should have left at least an hour before I did. I got home ok, but I will probably take a pain pill tonight. Before you all start yelling at me, I already know that I overdid it today! And I will probably pay for it tomorrow. But I really am doing a lot better, and I'm much better than I was at this time last week. But I promise to take it easy as much as I can for the next few days!

I have stayed away from the Anna Nicole Smith story, but I'd like to put my 2 cents worth in. The woman was "plain ole white trash" and nothing but. Nobody murdered her, it was an accidental overdose, and the paternity question has now been answered. So can "we" (the media) all go on to the next story now? My 90 year old boss was very good friends with the rich old man she married, he met her several times and he said that it was extremely obvious to everyone except her husband that she was a gold-digger and nothing else. She didn't even try to hide it, and she used her physical attributes to blind Mr. Marshall to what she was really after. So I am kind of tired of all the stories about her! Just my opinion, folks.

Ok, I'm off my soapbox. For now at least!

In case you can't tell, I'm tired and a little grouchy tonight. I guess I'd better work on that!

I'm thinking I need to have a contest. Not for a prize, just for fun. Anybody got any jokes that they'd like me to post? Email them to me, please - family friendly only. And nothing disrespectful to our President. French jokes are fine, however! Even Texan jokes will be considered. However, I will try to restrain myself from posting Aggie jokes even though I am a loyal Longhorn fan - I'm actually very proud of my nephew Paul who's off at A & M. As long as he didn't pick OU and the Sooners as a school, I am happy! Although my father would probably disagree with me about OU, we always just agreed to disagree one particular weekend in October.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have followed the Anna Nicole story even less than you have. Who is the father?

The other story that needs to not get publicity is the guy who made the racist, sexist remarks about the Rutgers girls basketball team. He was a jerk, but giving him publicity is not the answer. The basketball women are more mature than him.
How's the BLuebonnets? Froggy