Sunday, June 22, 2008

Another Post for Sunday!

But no Maggie pictures this time. Maggie has been funny today, she just hasn't been photographed. Frasier has been kind of weird. He kept bumping me with his nose, I was sitting in the floor playing with the two of them and he kept almost ramming me with his nose. He was being playful, I don't know what he was thinking though. He likes to be hugged, some dogs don't but he loves it. It's possible he was trying to get me to hug him again, since I just had. Who knows!

Otter is ready for camp. As soon as we got home from church, she got her duffle bags out and her list of needed items. Then we got everything together and made our list of stuff we didn't have, which meant a trip to Wallyworld. When we got home, she got everything packed and it's all stacked in the corner of her room. She has two duffle bags full of clothing and supplies, an Army surplus laundry bag that is currently holding her pillow and towels, her sleeping bag and a backpack that she'll take with her in whatever vehicle she'll be riding in. The backpack has snacks & a book. It's amazing, how much stuff it takes for one kid for one week at camp. She's excited about it, this will be the 2nd year at this particular camp and she had a great time there last year. It will be very quiet around my house for a few days.

But I'll manage to stay busy, I have plenty of projects to take care of. Among other things, Froggy will be here on Friday. !!! There is an auction at an Army surplus place tomorrow and Tuesday, the owners are retiring and they've decided to just close instead of selling their business. It's a big store, and the sale will take 2 days. Bill's off Monday and Tuesday, he'll go at least tomorrow (Monday). If he needs me, he'll call me and I'll head over there after work. If not, I'll go to the driving school and get Otter's enrollment finalized and if he does need me then I'll go to the driving school on Tuesday. I have a few craft projects I'm going to try to get finished up and several books I want to read. We still have some things to list on eBay for our friend's widow. Then I'm off on Friday, the start of my vacation. I'll hit the grocery store that morning and then go pick up Froggy at the airport.

We didn't have time to go for a swim today, but we have been enjoying the pool. We spent a few hours in it yesterday, it was very nice. But it's in full sun this year, so I have to be careful about how long I'm out there. Froggy, bring your suit!
Prayer Request: Pastor David will have surgery this coming Friday, the 27th. The doctor wants to take between 50 and 60 lymph nodes, that way he can get plenty out to test. If the tests are negative, then David will be cancer-free. Any prayers will help. His doctor was very positive, and David has a good feeling about it. But prayers are never wasted! So please add him to your prayers.

1 comment:

Jan said...

You have a very busy household lately!! I'm sure Otter's gonna have a blast at camp! I never got to go to summer camp, although I really, really wanted to! : )
I love the picture of Maggie! She looks to be enjoying her nap!
Take care!
