Saturday, June 28, 2008

Very Busy Saturday!

But it was a fun one.

First, Friday's report: Froggy's plane was on time, we went straight to Braum's for lunch. Then we went shopping! There is a store here that she liked last year, Atwood's Farm & Ranch, which is more like a variety store/farm store combination. After that, we went to what Mom would have called a junk store. It's an antique/consignment/junk store. I found a Fenton vase for $3.00. Then we went by WalMart for a couple of things. Then it was home to the pool.

Maggie was very happy to see her, and Frasier was too but not quite as happy as Maggie was!

Today was pretty busy. We went to the Tulsa Flea Market at the fair grounds and had a great time. We both bought several things, but it was pretty reasonable. We spent about 3 hours there, then we went to Subway for lunch. We went to a small gift shop, then we thought we still had about 1 1/2 hours until Otter was supposed to arrive but they got in very early. So we went to get her, she was extremely glad to see us. Then since she wasn't totally exhausted and we were still in shopping mode, we went back to the antique/junk store from yesterday because I'd seen a few things that I knew Otter would want. (More ponies to rehab!) I also bought a neat plant stand there, it's like a staircase. Then, as if that's not enough, we went to a new consignment/craft/antique store and I found something I've been looking for, a picnic basket. I wanted one that was big enough to use to store my yarn and crochet supplies, but I didn't want to pay over $5.00 for one. I saw a few at the flea market that were in my price range but they were smaller than I wanted. I found one at the consignment store for $3.50. It works perfectly, it holds everything I wanted to put in it.

Then, since we're crazy, we decided to hit a thrift store. So we went to a Goodwill store. And I made my find of the day. Or maybe my find of the year. For $3.00, I found a FENTON basket - signed by the artist, in perfect condition, one of the painted ones they have at times and easily worth $85.00 OR MORE at a Fenton store. I absolutely could not believe it, it was just out with the regular stuff instead of behind the glass counters with the really good stuff. It was actually on one of the wheeled shelving units that they use to bring stuff out to put on the shelves, and they leave the wheeled shelves out so people can take stuff off of them to buy when they shelves are full. Needless to say, I grabbed it immediately. Otter was pretty excited about it as well. I have noticed that frequently the stuff in the locked glass cabinets isn't really worth much, but because it's pretty it's assumed that it's worth a lot. Generally when that happens, the "real" stuff is just out on a shelf somewhere. Also, Otter found the armadillo beanie baby I wanted for my Texas related collection at this same Goodwill. For 25 cents. All in all, it was a pretty darn good shopping day.

We made pizza tonight and discussed peppermint ice cream. But we all ate too much pizza, so the ice cream is on tomorrow evening's menu.

We are going to church in the morning, then coming home and changing clothes. Then I think Froggy wants to go to a flea market and possibly we might hit a few more thrift stores.

Notice a theme? Shopping! And lots of it.

We are actually getting a lot of visiting time in, it's not all shopping. We are having a great visit.

Otter had a really good week at camp. She has a slight sunburn on her nose, and she was more than ready for bed tonight. But she really enjoyed herself. The kids are all going to wear their camp t-shirts to church tomorrow. She said that she swam a few times, the food was pretty good, there were quite a few games and that she wants to go back next year. I'll probably post more detail about her camp experience, or she will on her blog, in the next few days. The dogs were very excited to see her, I'm not quite sure how Maggie managed to remain upright because her tail was wagging so hard when she saw her Otter coming to the door!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

and we talked and talked and talked and talked some more.
I bought a few things for my flower beds and a couple of Christmas presents. I am still looking for a hummingbird beanie baby.
On Friday we also went swimming.