Tuesday, June 03, 2008

I Have Crazy Dogs!!!

But at least they are clean dogs. For the moment. They'll find some dirt soon, they always do when they get baths. It's just a matter of time. And it will probably be before they are completely dry.

But in the meantime, they both go to the vet on Thursday for their regular check up and shots. Mags gets her rabies shot, and all the misc. shots but Frasier isn't due for his rabies shot until next year. So he just gets the misc. shots. DHLP is the name of the misc. shots, I think. They'll also be checked stem to stern, stem (ears for Frasier) and stern (rear glands for Maggie) being part of their check ups. They are also out of heartworm pills, last month was their last dose and Thursday will be time for their next dose anyway so I scheduled their visit then.

They are now running around the house. Repeatedly!

I also have a load of laundry going, it's all towels and all were used attempting to dry the dogs! Oh yeah, my pajamas are also in the load since they were dry until Frasier decided to shake all the soap off. I'm going to get a shower when the laundry is finished, and Otter will probably need one too. Although I got most of Frasier's attempt at sharing his bath with us.

Frasier is very fluffy now. Maggie isn't so fluffy, but she does look brighter. Physically anyway, she's not too bright mentally, But she's a good girl, most of the time.

That's the exciting life I lead, washing my dogs.

Looks like it's going to be Obama as the Democratic candidate and McCain is the Republican candidate. Well, McCain is ON the Republican ticket. But that doesn't make him one. I guess it's obvious that I'm not too terribly impressed with McCain. I'd like to tell him that there is nothing wrong with admitting that he's as liberal as it gets, and to stop pretending to be something he isn't - namely, conservative. I don't even consider him to be moderate. I'm not really sure what I'm going to do in November. I guess I'll figure it out then.

I think that Frasier has forgiven me. He's now back to standing behind me, staring out the window. Or maybe he's just looking for a cat!

I'm adding a new feature to my blogging. I'm going to start a book list. It'll be part of the regular posting, and it will be at the end of the month. I read a lot. I mean A LOT. All of us do, Mom made sure of that and I thank her for that. Otter is as book-crazy as the rest of us. I have varied interests, and not everything I read is because I agree with what it says at least in the case of political or historical stuff. But I like to learn, as well as to be entertained. So, whenever I remember that is, I'm going to list books as I read them and then post the list at the end of the month.
We have a few things listed on eBay. A couple of things are Otter's, and some of it is glass stuff that I'm cleaning out. Yes, I'm actually cleaning out some of my glass! Not my Fenton, I'm not going to do that again. I did that once. And I'm still kicking myself for it. But I have a toothpick holder that I bought with another one, I really only wanted one of them so I have the spare posted. If it doesn't sell, it'll go back into the china cabinet and be used. So it's not a big deal, but who knows - maybe somebody out there will want it. We have some stuff that we'll probably list next week, old radio tubes from our friend's Larry's estate that we're going to sell for his widow.
I just realized that I am exhausted! Mostly from wrangling two dogs who did not want to be wrangled!

1 comment:

Jan said...

Oh, bath day here is a three ring circus, so I know what you're going through. Since we have no grass, the first thing my Maggie does after a bath is go out and find the biggest patch of dirt she can and roll in it! Over and over! *sigh* That means she gets hosed down and she hates that! Makes no sense to me! Dogs!!!
We've just taken to wearing our swimsuits when we bathe the dogs! : )
