Thursday, June 12, 2008

Just Rambling Thoughts Today

That's the kind of mood I'm in today, rambling. It's been a busy week and this weekend is Father's Day. Also, Sunday is June 15th and the 4th anniversary of when we lost Dad. He's been on my mind a lot lately. I'm going to stop at the store tomorrow to get peanut M&M's, which we will eat in his memory/honor on Sunday.

Other things: The dogs are crazy tonight. They've been playing what we call "War" off and on this evening. The latest thing is that as Magginator is running around like a headless chicken, instead of actually stopping to change direction she aims for the closest piece of furniture and bounces off of it. Which is usually the couch - and frequently us! In between fits of insane running & jumping/barking at each other, they will stop for recharge periods which include grooming each other. And if I'm in the way, Frasier will try to groom me - he just barely nibbles on my arm if he can reach me. Then they start another round and run until they are exhausted. At which point, Magginator will slither off to Otter's bed and Frasier will either find his blanket or plop down in the middle of the living room floor - usually the most inconvenient spot.

Otter washed my car yesterday, then she vacuumed it out for me today. And when Bill got home, she washed his van. Well, she just aimed the hose at the top of the van since she can't quite reach it. But the rest of it is clean! Now if I could just get Bill to clean out the inside...

Otter goes to camp on June 23, I'll post the address if anyone wants to send her a card on tomorrow's entry (if I blog tomorrow), or as soon as I can. She really enjoyed getting mail last year.

Father's Day will be at our house this year, it's a rerun of the Mother's Day meal. We'll grill burgers & dogs and Otter will probably spend a lot of the day in the pool. It's supposed to be nice weather.

Next Wednesday, the 18th, Bill turns 21 with 26 years of experience. (47 for normal people). But then we all know, he's not normal!
There was more, but I think I'm going to follow Frasier's example and go to bed! He's actually sleeping in the floor beside me, but I prefer my nice, soft bed! Frasier will move into our room sometime in the night. He's been starting out on his blanket in the living room but lately he's been migrating in the middle of the night. I hear him come into our room sometimes, and I frequently hear Bill tripping over him! I also was awakened in the early morning hours a couple of days ago by the sound of a very large dog sneezing!

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