Friday, June 27, 2008

Froggy Friday

I took off the ticker about Froggy's arrival, since she arrives today and the counter went back to zero days. She'll be here in a few hours. I am now dealing badly with anticipation. I woke up before the alarm this morning.

I had some flowering plants I wanted to plant in the whiskey barrel but was holding off since the bluebonnets were blooming again. I just came back in from planting them. The bluebonnets are fading anyway. Instead of spreading the new plants out, I planted them in two clumps. Since there are still bluebonnet blooms, even if they are fading, I didn't want to dig them up. They are making more seeds so I'm leaving them there until the seeds have fallen. I also bought a small cactus a week or so ago, it is now replanted into a ceramic pot I had. The cactus is the kind I'm not crazy about - one type with another type grafted on the top of it. The only reason I bought it is because the top piece is a prickly pear and being a Texan, I like pears a lot. I'm hoping that the pear will be the part to take over and grow, but if not I still have a cactus. It's not an ugly cactus, I'll still enjoy it if the base piece is the dominant one to grow.

I've done all my normal morning stuff, the dogs are fed and the trash is out. I have a load of laundry in the dryer and the dishwasher is running. I was going to sit out on the deck with my coffee but we could be about to get some rain, so my coffee and I are going to stay inside this morning. I'm going to move to the living room in a few minutes and read the paper. I told Bill I'd make the eBay post office run for him, since I'm at home this morning so I'll head out in an hour or so for that. I'm also going to stop at the gas station, a trip I am NOT looking forward to! But I have to do that one.

Both doggies are parked in the floor beside me. Frasier is yawning and probably about to take (another) nap. Maggie is grooming her feet. And probably has a nap on her schedule next. Maggie has been sleeping on Otter's bed this week, but last night I heard her come into our room several times. I think she was missing her Otter! She'll be very excited tomorrow when Otter gets home. So will Frasier, Maggie is just very much Otter's dog.
Ok, now I've managed to kill a little more time! I'm going to go find something else to do now. Involving a book, coffee and the couch.

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