Friday, June 20, 2008

Frustrating Friday!

At least it is Friday. I had the office to myself today, so I thought I could get a few things accomplished that I normally can't do with "the boys" there. I got exactly one thing accomplished: I ran the vacuum! The rest of the day was spent giving myself a serious case of eyestrain, trying to read the older boy's handwriting on something he wants me to type. He writes like a 91 year old! Well, he IS one so I guess it's ok. I have had a headache for most of the afternoon.

Then I went to the grocery store, Food Pyramid which took over most of the Albertson's here. It was supposed to be a run-in/run-out trip. But after spending about 20 minutes looking for picante sauce, I kind of gave up on the quick trip idea. They have a small area with organic salsas. They have a very small Mexican food aisle, which has a (very) few different kinds - all in small bottles and none that I really wanted to try as they were all different brands and we don't like most off brands. They have a (very) small display with the chips, it was the dip brands and tiny sizes. Finally, I grabbed the biggest of the off brands in desperation. At this store, the employees will help you unload your basket and I asked the lady if they carried Pace (the only kind there is, really), in any other size besides the dip size. She asked me what size and strength, and she went to get it. THEY KEEP IT ON THE SCHOOL SUPPLY AISLE. I guess if I hold my breath long enough and squint my eyes, that might begin to make sense! By the way, the size I buy is the biggest that I can get and medium strength. I like the heat, but I also like to still be able to taste food so I don't usually get the hottest one. And it has to be Pace, remember the old "made in San Antonio" commercials for Pace? We still feel that way. ("New York City!!")

I see that Otter is finally back to blogging. She had a case of writer's block, I guess that would be called blogger's block. Anyway, she changed her whole direction on her blog and the name also. She has a collection of My Little Pony toys that she's had forever, and she's currently re-creating them. It's a popular past time with teenagers in this area, rehabbing MLP's. So she dug hers out of storage and she finds the occasional one at a yard sale or flea market. Then she gets busy and they look totally different when she gets through. She's painted some, dyed some and detail painted others. She's also learning to re-hair them and she's been making attachments out of her polymer clay. She's very creative.

Froggy will be here this time next week! It's very hard to wait. And Otter goes off to camp on Monday. Looks like next week will be a verrrrrrrrrrry loooooooooong week! And quiet, too, around my house.
I also discovered today that I do indeed still have Texas hair. (also known as Big Hair). I curled it this morning and it looked great. Then I went on to work and when I got out of the car at the post office on the way in, it promptly started raining. There went the hairspray! Of course, it quit raining once I got to work and was safely inside. My hair still looks pretty good, just not quite like I started out with. Well, there was nobody at work besides me (and the resident cat), so I wasn't too upset. I wouldn't have been upset anyway. But it was probably an omen for how the rest of the day was going to go. And the cat gifted me with not one, but two dead birds today. Thoughtful, wasn't she?!

1 comment:

Jan said...

Sorry I haven't been visiting lately! You understand, I know.
So...Happy Birthday to the ponytails....and have fun with Froggy and hope Otter has fun at camp! LOL!!
