Thursday, August 20, 2009

Just A Few Odd Scattered Thoughts

If that's not a Toadly title, then I don't know what would be!

The insurance inspector is supposed to come out tomorrow to look at the roof. Unless it rains. Which it's been doing frequently this week. We'll see what she says, she's supposed to call me when she's on her way and she was going to see if she could aim for around 3:00 since I'm normally home by then. Regardless of what she says, we are still going to see about getting estimates from a couple of other roofers. The guy that came out this week when I was home has already called me and tried the high pressure sales tactic - which anybody who knows me will realize that he was talking to a wall! For a couple of other reasons, we feel like he was telling me what he thought I wanted to hear to ensure a roofing job for himself. Which doesn't mean that the roof is not damaged, because there are definetly tiles missing. But he's not very high on our list of companies to use, if we do have to get a new roof.

When we went to bed last night, there was a t-storm watch until something like 4:00 a.m. At 4:38 a.m., I was awakened by thunder and lightning. I got up to see what time it was, then I turned on the tv to check and it was just rain and noise. I did attempt to go back to sleep for 20 minutes, but I gave up after about 5 minutes. The dogs were very happy, they thought they might get fed early (they didn't). Between 4:30 a.m. and 6:00 a.m., we had 1 1/2" of rain. There were a more than a few loud thunder spells and one time in particular was very loud. It quit for a while, then it started raining when I was on the way to work. Hard. It finally quit around noon, I think it was only in the high 80's today and the afternoon was really nice. The yard looks like it hasn't been mowed in weeks! The morning glories are very happy, they are quickly covering the new trellis.

And we have a bluebonnet! There is a baby bluebonnet in the whiskey barrel and possibly three more. I'd love to have late blooms, but we'll have to see what happens.

My crochet fingers are itching, so I'm going to go satisfy the urge in a few minutes. Froggy, I'm going to finish your tote bag tonight and try to get it mailed to you tomorrow. Then I'm going to get started on Otter's arm warmers. They are going to be really fun.
I'm also leaning towards making a lap sized blanket but I haven't quite made up my mind. I made a blanket for Otter's bed when she had a twin bed, it's one I started many years ago and found it when Mom and Dad came to see us - it was with some stuff that she had and she brought it to me. I eventually finished it, and it will probably even fit Otter's double bed. It was made from a lot of different colors, all bright, and I think it might actually be what I taught Mom to crochet on. But I'm thinking that I need to make another one, but with different stitches and possibly a color scheme as opposed to just different colors.
I'm going to see about learning a few new stitches, the library doesn't have much on crochet (it's loaded with books on knitting, however), but I did find one with some stuff I've never seen before. I love to try new stitches! I thought about learning to knit but I've decided to hold off on that. I might attempt it later on, but I have enough to deal with right now.
OK, off to crochet!

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