Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Still Calm But Not For Long!

I'm supposed to meet our (former) tenant tomorrow to pick up the keys. Then Thursday I'll go over to the rent house after work and check things out. But I don't expect any bad surprises. Bill will probaby go over there tomorrow when he gets off work to take pictures (standard when someone moves out) and see if there is anything he'll need to do prior to putting the house on the market.

I'm torn. I do want to sell it, we never really wanted to be landlords. But there are some special memories there. Otter grew up there. She was already walking when we moved in there, but most of her childhood was spent in that house. The last time my parents came to see us was when we lived there. And there is one spectacularly special dog that is buried there.

OK, enough! Time for a subject change.

Frasier is spread out between my chair and Otter's. His nose is under her chair and his tail is under mine. If either one of us move, the dog is going to get rolled over on. The thing is, we are on opposite sides of the room - the dog's just big! Very big. And very spoiled.
No idea where Maggie is, but I'm guessing that it involves sleeping. She's probably up in the middle of Otter's bed with her head on the pillow she gets to use and her rear end on the other pillow - the one Otter uses! That's how she was last night. She was comfortable, I'd say. :)
It's been really nice lately, low 90's and 60's at night. Otter's needed her jacket a couple of times in the mornings. I read something earlier that said that September isn't officially here until next Tuesday, but that it's here in every other way based on our weather. I'm wondering if we might be in for an early Fall? Guess we'd better get back to getting firewood because we just might need it this winter.
OK, off to crochet now.

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