Thursday, August 27, 2009

Rent House Update

Well, I went to the rent house today. Couple Days, as Otter named it when she was 2 and we moved into it.

It's not that bad. It wasn't as clean as I was hoping, but there isn't much in the way of damage. The carpet in the bedroom will have to be replaced. If we were going to rent it out again, we could probably get by with cleaning it and patching the torn spot because the torn place isn't that big. But to sell it, it needs to be replaced. There are a few other issues that we have to deal with, but they are things like the stove not being cleaned and that sort of thing. The non-paneled rooms will need to be painted, some of that will come out of the tenant's deposit but some of it is because we are putting it on the market. The carpet is tenant damage, but that really is the worst of it. I didn't do too much over there today, beyond cleaning the toilet which hadn't been cleaned in a while. The toliet seat is wood, it hasn't been cleaned in a while and is moldy so it will have to be replaced and that is also out of the deposit. But all in all, it's not that bad.

Bill is probably going to go over there after work tomorrow and mow. Then we'll head over there Sunday after breakfast and get as much done as we possibly can. With the possible exception of all the painting being finished, we can probably get it all done. Except the carpet, obviously, because we have to go buy more and then arrange for it to be installed. But I think we can get everything else done on Sunday. Although we'll probably be exhausted when we get through!
Bill earned billions and billions of brownie points today. He brought me chocolate! He surprised me with it when he came over to the rent house after work. And it was the very dark chocolate, the kind that I absolutely love. So he's a Very Good Boy today.

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