Wednesday, August 05, 2009

You Might Be A Redneck if...

You have a car in your yard and it's up on blocks.

Toadles said that I was a redneck because of two things: 1) the aforementioned car (the 2nd El Camino Bill bought to strip for parts for the White Lightning) and 2) our rent house is not on a solid foundation so it also is technically up on blocks.

But since we are now one down, I don't know if we still qualify. Toadles?

Bill sold the parts car last night. He put it on Craigslist and immediately got some interested emails. Someone came and bought it last night, he's a reasonably young guy and he's going to restore it. He brought a trailer with him, and left with the blue car on the trailer.

Now, we just have to get rid of the second part of the joke. Anybody want to buy a 3-bedroom, 1-bath, 2-car detached garage house with hardwood floors? Because I'm about to have one for sale.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Once a redneck always a redneck
