Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Wind She Blows

And in Oklahoma, she blows a lot!

We had a possibility of rain yesterday. Which meant that we were going to get flooded, if they had said a big storm was coming then we wouldn't have gotten anything. It's frequently that way here.

I was cooking dinner so it was probably about 5:30 or so, when it suddenly got windy. Very Windy. Bill saw what he thought were two wall clouds, but I don't think they were. Sometimes there are clouds that resemble wall clouds but aren't. It had been a little rainy earlier, and it was extremely humid already - to the point that I could hardly breathe - and we thought we might be going to get a thunderstorm. We thought right. There was quite a bit of lightning, it was actually pretty to watch. What wasn't pretty was the straight line winds which drove the rain sideways. It lasted quite a while, when we went to bed about 10:00 or so it was still thundering but the wind and hard rain had calmed down quite a bit to a slower rain.

This morning I discovered that we had a pretty big size limb come down beside the garage. It looked like it just missed the gate & fence. It is now added to the firewood pile. No lumberjack injuries, but I do think that Bill needs to get another chain saw since the last one broke.

And tomorrow I'm going to call someone about looking at the roof. I found a couple of pieces of the roof tiles in the yard. One in the front and one in the back.

Also, the things that were blown around on the deck & in the back yard were blown in opposite directions. Which leads me to think that maybe, just maybe those winds weren't so straight lined after all!

There are a lot of limbs down all over the neighborhood. And when I left our subdivision this morning, I discovered that the subdivision next door to us had something interesting in front of it. Ever tried to imagine what a full-sized trampoline would look like if someone tried to make it into a pretzel? I don't have to imagine anymore. It was also blown pretty far, over a 6' brick fence and nearly out into the main street.

Yes, Froggy. I can hear his voice in my head very clearly. And I know exactly what he'd say!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe you should listen to that voice.
Glad youall are ok.
Maybe you could send some rain this way? We have had 100 degrees or higher every day this month and most of June and July.
My flowers just can't take the heat and dry ground, even when I water them the ground is still dry. Froggy