Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A Roof Over Our Heads

We have a leaky one! We haven't actually seen any evidence of leaking yet, but after last week's hail & wind storm we found a couple of roof tiles in the yard. So we had someone come out and look at it. We've had two people come look. Both agree that there is damage, so the next step is to have the insurance inspector come out and they are supposed to call me in the next day or so to arrange that. Today's inspector said that it is hail damage, and possibly from the storm before this one. So we might be getting a new roof in the near future.

Frasier is in major disgrace at the moment. I've been working on a crochet tote bag for Froggy. I'm nearly through with it, just a couple of finishing touches and then it's done and I can ship it to her. It was sitting on the lower shelf of the table in front of the living room window last night. This morning, I decided I'd better put it up out of doggie reach so I moved it. Then a few minutes later, I looked out the kitchen window. And what did I see? A YARN BALL! The one that I've been using on Froggy's tote bag. It was right in the spot where Fraiser takes their toys when he carries them out - in the muddy spot where it had probably been since yesterday and it had been raining. (Of course, it was the pink camo one that I fell in love with a few months back and haven't used much of. Frasier couldn't get one that I didn't like!) I went out and retrieved it, it was soaking wet. I was livid, but it's kind of late to get on the culprit. I left the yarn in the kitchen on the counter to dry out but it was also smelly - like a wet dog! So I went to Michael's on my lunch hour and got another skein. The first one was drier when I got home but it still smelled, so it got trashed.

And I got another one as well, in a different color. I decided that I deserved a consolation skein. Well, it made perfect sense to me! Bill was amused, which is a good thing because once yarn comes into my possession I hardly ever return it! :) Now I just have to find a project to use it on. I have a couple of ideas. I just might not have any time to work on anything until Saturday.
I forgot to post this, but Otter did get the elective class she requested. It's called something like Personal Clothing Management. Which is apparently the politically correct term for sewing. She's pleased with it, I've shown her a lot of basics but it's been a long time since I learned and I'm woefully out of practice. I told her that she'll have to show me what she learns. They will make a pillow and a pair of boxer shorts, then they can bring in other patterns and get them approved so they can make them. She's really excited about it. Me, too. I think it's a wonderful skill to have. She said that there are no boys in that class, which doesn't surprise me. When I was in 6th grade, we had Home Economics, which had several boys because it also included cooking. It's where I learned to crochet, which I then taught to Mom. It was a lot of fun.
I posted a recipe tonight, Chili. It's on the cooking blog.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes you deserve another color of yarn. When is my bag going to be finished? PUT IT UP AWAY FROM FRASIER!
I hope your insurance covers the cost of the roof. Good luck on that.