Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Busy Tuesday

It's been a long day.  It started out at 5:00 a.m., I usually get up around 5:00 or 5:30 anyway  I usually don't have to be out of the house until 7:30, but today I had to leave at 6:00 to get Otter to the airport in time for her flight.  Because Otter is 18 now, I wasn't able to go to the gate with her.  Which is exactly what I expected.  Since I was so early, it was before 7:00 when I headed to work, I went to WalMart and walked around for about 30 minutes before heading in to work.  I was still early, but not as early as I would have been if I'd gone straight to work.

Work was kind of busy, then I had to come home at lunch and the library books I forgot this morning.  Two very large paper grocery bags, mostly Otter's.  After work, I had to go to the cell phone place to get Otter's phone fixed.  Again, but a different problem this time.

Otter has my cell phone, her phone would not turn back on last night so I charged mine up and she took it with her on her vacation.  We didn't discover that her phone wasn't turning back on until somewhere close to 10:00 p.m. and she had to be at the airport way before the phone place opened for the day.  I took her phone after work and they were able to fix it, they scavenged a part from the old phone that she had.

Otter gave me strict instructions about not letting her Dad near her phone.  Seems she's afraid he'll text all her friends (probably BF specifically) or something.

Anyway, she had a good flight and got to SA mid-morning.  She's been swimming already, and probably will go a few more times.

It's quiet around the house.  Maggie is snoozing and Frasier is being lazy but Maggie will probably start moping around soon.  She hasn't figured out yet that her person isn't here and won't be here tonight.

Because we are Texan, we had chili for dinner tonight.  Our area has had heat warnings for days and still has one.  But we eat chili all year round, and it was very good tonight.  We might make pineapple ice cream later or tomorrow, when Otter's not home we usually have a flavor that she either can't eat or doesn't like.  Pineapple is actually pretty good, but chocolate is of course better!  For pineapple, we use the vanilla recipe and then add crushed or chopped canned pineapple.  I think Bill also has used some pineapple juice in the mix as well.

I have been busy with a crochet project.  Otter wants a new scarf, she chose a black & white pattern and I had gotten about 1/4 of it done.  But then I realized that my gauge was off and it didn't look right, it was bigger on one end than the other - a lot bigger.  So, I frogged it and started over.  So now I've only gotten a few rows done, but it is turning out much better the 2nd time around.

I'm also going to make myself another scarf.  Anybody who is a Dr. Who fan will understand when I say that it's inspired by "teeth and hair's" scarf.  (Comment if you need an explanation).  But not until Otter's scarf is finished.  Which won't take too long, scarves are easy and fun to work on.

I guess that's about it for my Tuesday update!


Anonymous said...

I understand the teeth and hairs comment. I agree chili is good anytime of the year. I think I will go buy some tamales and later this week have tamales and chili. Froggy

Otter Mom said...

I thought you'd know what that meant! My scarf won't be quite that long - the original is 20 feet long. But, as Bill said, it will give me a chance to use some of the stash. Of course, if I use much of the stash I'll have to go get more! :)