Friday, July 16, 2010

The End of a Loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong Week (*EDITED)

This has been a week that I've been ready for Friday since Monday at 8:00 a.m.!

Work was crazy.  Not because I was gone last week, I actually got caught up by about 8:30 Monday.  It was just wild, one of those "if it could go wrong it did" weeks and I'm glad that it's over.

We're having a heat wave.  The temperature isn't really all that hot, mid 90's.  But there has been very little breeze and we've had enough rain lately that the humidity is as high as it can get.  Which means that I can't breathe if I'm outside.  So I've been spending more time inside.  Which means that I haven't had my outside time lately.  Which means I'm cranky!

(Bill did manage to get the lawn mowed this week.  He did it over 2 days, he drank a whole lot of water.  And wouldn't let me help.)

I like my outside time.  I'm hoping to have some tomorrow.  Usually, when we get up on Saturday mornings, Bill & I will take our coffee and sit on the deck for a while.  Otter is usually still asleep, she gets to sleep in on Saturday mornings.  But sometimes she's up with us.  The dogsters are generally always out there when we are, they alternate between watering assorted spots and sleeping on the deck.  Or, in Frasier's case anyway, hoping to knock my arm so I will spill my coffee!

I have crochet plans for tomorrow.  And I have several books that I got at the library this week.  It's Bill's turn to get the movie for Saturday, we will be watching Fantastic Mr. Fox.  All I know about it is that it's animated and about a fox.

There was a yard sale in the neighborhood today.  We went, but didn't see much of anything.  Otter got something, but I didn't find anything.  They had quite a bit of glassware, but most of it was what I call "Wal Mart stuff."  In other words, new & junky.

Otter's trip is Tuesday.  She hasn't quite packed yet, but she's been getting her stuff ready.  Sunday, after laundry!, she'll get her suitcase actually packed.  Then I'll take her to the airport early Tuesday (Early!) and she'll be home the next Monday.  She'll have a good time, she will spend several days with Nana & Papa David and hopefully get to see her cousins.  She'll get to see Froggy (and hopefully Uncle Crazy) and some of the cousins on that side (my side) of the family.  She'll probably be exhausted when she gets home.  But she'll have a good time.  It will be quiet around our house and Maggie Moo will mope, but we are glad that she gets to do things like this.

School starts in less than a month!  I am not quite sure where the time has gone, but there is no way that she could possibly be 18 and about to be a senior!  And driving, dating, registered to vote and all the other things that go with it.  She's still supposed to be the little girl in the blue dress standing in the kitchen, smiling at the camera and 18 months old!  Sigh.

Well, at least it's Friday.  And I have a bottle of wine in the fridge that is waiting on me.  Think I'll go get into it shortly.

*EDIT:  I let Maggie Moo outside after posting this and discovered something.  Frasier did what he's known for. Again.  Frasier 3 (that we know of), Cats 0.

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