Sunday, July 18, 2010

Sunday Rodents

Before I forget, here are my newest glass & Fenton pieces!

This is a cologne or perfume bottle, this one IS Fenton.  I have not seen too many of them in milk, most are in opalescent like the other one I have and very few have the actual stopper so the stopper is actually the important part.  This one is a fairly rare piece and was given to me by Nana when I was in SA recently.  It's now part of my collection and I'm thrilled with it, and since it was a gift from a wonderful person in my life I am even happier.  (I'm lucky, I have two mother-in-laws and they are both very special.)

The lamp base is one I've had for a while and may be Fenton, it's not marked and they made so many different styles of lamps that it's pretty hard to verify.  But I'm not too concerned with Fenton authenticity in this case.  I like it and it goes well with my other stuff.  It's on the nighstand on my side of the bed.  The chimney (upper piece that covers the light bulb) is the new piece.  It was also a gift from Nana!  It doesn't match the base exactly, but it looks good with it and it works.  The base is hobnail, the chimney is a different pattern but they look very close and go great.  I don't think that the chimney is Fenton, but again - I don't care.

This is what it looks like when the lamp is turned on.  Because it was daylight and in front of an open window curtain, it looks kind of strange to me.  But it's a nice light.

This is the big basket I bought in SA at the thrift store.  $9.99 is generally above my ideal price range - I'm cheap when it comes to Fenton!  But this piece was definitely worth it.  It's pretty big, actually and heavy.  And it's in perfect condition.  This is a close up.  The next picture gives a better idea of the size of this piece, it's one of the bigger pieces in my collection.  This is one of the harder to find pieces, not a lot of them have survived and the ones that do show up occasionally are generally not in good shape.  It is glass after all, and glass breaks!

Movie Review:  Fantastic Mr. Fox.  One word comes to mind.  Confusing!  Also waste of time and money, badly written, badly voice acted, badly edited, but those are more than one word.  It was just not very good.  I think it originally was a book, maybe the book was better but I would not recommend the movie.  If I manage to get moving today, I'll take the dvd back.  Sometimes we re-watch the movies we rent, but this will not be one of them.

I'm not at 100% today.  Probably allergies.  I have had some sinus pressure and a slight sore throat off and on, but no fever (I did check) or anything so I'm leaning towards allergies.  We've had enough rain lately that it might be mold-related.

Otter is packing at the moment.  She's excited about her trip.  I know she'll have fun.

Frasier now has a new collar.  His bright yellow one was faded quite a bit and was also fraying pretty badly.  He's now sporting a very bright red collar.  He's very stylish now!

The story behind the latest cat is that I discovered it dead in the back yard.  No sign of what killed it, it hadn't been chewed on or anything.  But we're pretty sure it was Frasier just based on his history of killing them.  It was the "less than responsible" neighbor's Sphinx (hairless) cat, which she's had to look for before - always with a story about her irresponsible daughter letting the cat out even though it's not supposed to be let out.  Since they are fairly uncommon cats and we knew she had one, we were pretty sure that it was hers.  We walked over to tell her, and she said that he daughter had let it out again.  We did not tell her anything about Frasier, just that we found it dead in the back yard which is the truth.  She was upset, and I don't blame her, but this kind of thing has happened before with her and will probably keep happening, unfortunately.  Bill asked her if she wanted us to take care of it for her, and she agreed.  So it has joined the hamster, mouse & two birds buried in the back yard.  I really hate that this happend, but we don't feel like we are responsible for it.  Frasier was in his own yard and the cat in question was let out when it shouldn't have been.  When we let the dogs out in the back yard yesterday morning, Frasier went right to the spot where the cat had been.  Obviously, it's not there now.  But he knew where it was, which is just one more reason that we think he's probably the reason.

Frasier is also the inspiration for today's title.  Because when we were mowing the back yard, Bill found a dead mole in a place where Frasier had been rolling.  Shortly after that, we noticed that it smelled like something was dead in another part of the yard and I found a dead rat there.  So that's two rodents in one day, most likely yesterday afternoon for the rat and possibly this morning for the mole based on decomposition.  And the lovely smell!

The other thing that I noticed when we mowed is that there are a lot of bumble bees.  I was beginning to think that they might be in the tree that I mention later as having a limb down, but I never could see anything that looks like a swarm.  But there are a lot of them, and they are bumble bees - the big, fat kind that are so neat to watch.

And Bill did let me mow, but not much.  He said I was making too many mistakes and then he sent me inside.  Which is his way of overprotecting me and since I didn't feel the best, I didn't argue.  But I did miss a lot when I mowed so I see his point. :)

Weather:  Friday evening, I noticed that it was suddenly getting dark.  Darker than it should have been for the time of evening and darkening fast.  We looked out the window and saw clouds.  Lots of them.  Dark ones.  This is the view over the back fence:

That's when Bill told me to take Otter and go to the laundry room (our safe spot).  On the way, I changed the tv from the dish to a local station and the weather warnings were for clouds that looked worse than they were but were "just" thunderstorm variety but fast moving.  So, even though the sky was terrifying it was not dangerous.  That's when Otter got her camera and took the pictures.  I took a few, but I didn't have the camera on the right setting and they came out too dark to see anything.  But it's her camera and she knows the settings so she became our official photographer!  She did a good job, too.

This is what it looked like over the house:

The dark edge at the bottom of the picture is the crest of our roof.  The next picture is taken from a slightly different angle.

That's the top of the chimney in the picture.  The clouds were very, very low.  And then we realized that we could see a "circle" area that was cloud edges with light behind it, but not a circle in terms of a twister.  However, it was definitely rotating!  It is hard to describe, it was rotating but not fast and not forming anything.  It was probably a possibility, but it wasn't anything we had to worry about at that point.  The storm moved on pretty quickly, at least these clouds did but we got a good thunderstorm out of it.  We almost lost power, it flickered a couple of times but never went out.  But we discovered yesterday morning that a tree limb was down in the back yard.  It was the limb that Bill was going to cut off today anyway, it extended over the deck and over the roof a little bit but when it tore loose, it didn't quite come off all the way and was hanging straight down.  He didn't quite cut it all off, just the parts that he could reach with the short ladder which was the one he grabbed out of the shed.

I'm just glad that he didn't need the chainsaw for once!  Bill, ladders & power tools with blades are just not a comforting thought.

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