Friday, July 23, 2010

Friday? OK, yeah, it's Friday.

And that's a good thing!

I talked to Otter earlier.  She's having a good time.  Froggy, she's looking forward to seeing you and your crew on Sunday.  She hopes that you have shopping planned.  She's her mother's daughter, what can I say! :)

We splurged tonight.  We had Domino's pizza for dinner.  It was pretty good.  I've been extremely good this week since I knew we had pizza plans.  We also had an order of their cheesy bread which was ok, but not spectacular.

We also have dessert.

Froggy, I just bet that you can guess where it came from without any hints!  (But I'll give you one anyway - It starts with B and ends with 'S, with RAUM in the middle).

We haven't gotten into dessert yet, no room!

We have a new digital camera!  It was a surplus item that was given to Bill this week, and I'm happy with it.  It's a Sony, not the same as the one that croaked on us but similar.  It's a good camera and since it was free, I'm not complaining.  I had to get a carrying case for it, it's just slightly too big to fit in my purse comfortably.  So that meant a trip to Wallyworld.

While I was there, I just happened to browse through the yarn section.  Relax, I didn't buy any.  Today.  Yet.  But I did price crochet hooks and Walmart sells a set similar to the three that were in my fantastic buy at the thrift store this week.  The ones I got were in seperate packages, but either seperate or in the set - the cost of the hooks was more than what I paid for the bag I got.

I hit a couple of thrift stores on the way home this afternoon, but didn't have much luck.  I wasn't really looking for anything in particular, but I was trying to kill time.  But it was still a fun trip.

Thrift shopping is always fun.  Sometimes, it's really fun!


Anonymous said...

What did you get from Braums for dessert? We are probably going to Bill Millers tomorrow. More later. Froggy

Otter Mom said...

Strawberry Cheesecake Ice Cream Pie. It was delicious!