Thursday, July 29, 2010

Thursday Thursday

This is actually my second post today, I wanted Froggy's birthday wishes to be alone so that it wouldn't get missed.  I had a lot of fun looking around on the internet for that picture, there are some wild ones out there.  Of course, some of them are not polite, but there are some interesting pictures that come up with you search for birthday frog!

Otter's given up on the contact lenses.  She has managed to get them into her eyes, but they won't stay in.  She's having pretty much the same problems I had (many, many years ago) when I tried soft lenses.  At the time, I thought it was my eyes drying out too much which they have done over the years.  But now, I've realized something.  When I got my soft ones, the doctor told me that I could have a problem with them because of astigmatism - which is pretty common in near-sighted people, in fact it's something that most near-sighted people actually have and is what generally causes the near-sightedness.  I realized that the problems she had are probably because of her astigmatism.  She's tried several times and kept trying way past the point that most people would.  She finally decided today that it's just not going to happen.  I called the 1-800 Contacts place where I ordered replacement lenses from, and they said that it's no problem to cancel the order.  It's already shipped & on the way to me, they'll send me the return label so I can ship them back and they will issue a refund to the credit card.  Otter really did try, but she's going to have to stick with glasses.

JediMom and her kids came through our area Tuesday.  We met them for lunch at the Hog Trough.  The meal was great, the kids had a good time playing before they had to get back in the car to continue their trip.  We haven't seen them in about a year.  We really enjoyed the visit.

School starts 2 weeks from today.  Otter's just so overjoyed (not).  Oklahoma has a sales-tax holiday next weekend, so we're going to go shopping for school clothing then.  All clothing is included, so if Bill or I need anything we'll get it then as well.  Shoes are considered to be clothing, so no sales tax on shoe sales.  Most stores have sales in conjunction with Sales Tax Free Weekend.  We cleaned out Otter's sock drawer last night, she bought a boatload of really cute socks when she was in Texas last week so she doesn't need those.  But there are always new shirts & jeans, and of course she has to look at shoes.

Schedule pick-up is next Wednesday, and she'll also get her locker assignment then.  As well as a parking permit.

I'm much closer to being finished with her scarf.  I have only had a little time to crochet this week, but I managed to get several rows done.  I might get back on it tonight, and I may well finish it.  Or possibly not until Saturday, but I should be able to get it finished in one session.  Then I get to start hiding all the "tails" which are the end pieces of the yarn on both the beginning row and the final row of each section.  That's what will take the longest, hiding tails!  And after that, my Teeth & Hair scarf will be the first thing on my list.  (It's a Dr. Who reference, fyi).

Our neighbor came over the other day, to thank Bill for taking care of the cat for her.  It turns out that her daughter did let the cat out, but it was on purpose and she let both cats out just to hurt her mother.  Apparently, there has been an ongoing problem between the woman and her daughter and the upshot is that her daughter is no longer living there.  It sounds like a really bad situation.

I might not get my book list for July posted until Sunday.  Otter wants to go to the library tomorrow (big surprise, right) and reload, since she turned all her books in before her trip and hasn't had time to go since she got back on Monday.  I'm sure that neither one of us will have a problem finding books.  Many, many books.  And in Otter's case, more books than the law allows!

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