Sunday, July 04, 2010

Sunday Sparklers

This post was nearly titled Sunday Spankings.  Because Otter thinks that Billyboy deserves one.

She might be right.

At the end of church this morning, the choir sang a patriotic song.  At the very end of the song, the two launchers on either side of the stage launced confetti & streamers into the air.  The two launchers that just about everybody else in church saw - except for Otter!  She jumped what looked like several feet in the air.  She was not alone, lots of people were surprised (Bill and I weren't).  But we were in the front row so Otter essentially jumped out of her skin in front of the entire audience.  And Bill isn't letting her live that one down.

She's ready for revenge.  She probably has a few plans already.  I might not stop her!

We got a few fireworks.  Nothing very big or noisy, Otter just wanted smoke bombs, sparklers and a couple of packages of poppers.  It was rainy all day yesterday and we have a chance of more rain tonight, so we didn't get a lot of noisemakers.  There are several places that do professional level shows which we can see from the back deck, so if it's not rainy we'll be out there watching.

Our small town has a permit for fireworks, it's good for the evening of the 3rd and 4th until 11:00 p.m.  So a lot of people shoot off fireworks.  Yesterday was cloudy when we got up, we had coffee on the deck and came inside for a refill and it started raining when we were inside.  And it continued nearly all day.  Not a hard rain, it was a nice slow rain.  But it rained just late enough so that there weren't a lot of fireworks last night.  There were some, it did quit well before 11:00 but there are usually a lot more.

The dogs are not bothered by fireworks.  They are pretty unconcerned about any noise, really.  Except for the sound of something dropping into their food bowls, that always gets their attention.  And Frasier doesn't particularly care for the vacuum.  But fireworks, thunder and gunshot type noises don't even cause a blip on their radar.  They generally sleep through everything.

Froggy, the "bunch of things" I'm making for you has been added to.  Again.  I made another one yesterday.  As soon as you get them in your possession, I'll post pictures on the craft blog.

Beyond that, I'm not telling.

I also added some to Bill's blanket yesterday, I have a lot of small pieces that I've been adding to it and as big as it's getting I still didn't finish another row!  I am making a determined effort to de-stash a little bit.  I have a few ideas of things to crochet, but not anything really spectacular.  But I do have quite a bit of yarn and it needs to be used.

I might not post much the next few days, it is shaping up to be a fairly busy week.  And on that note, I'm going back to my laundry now.  I really don't like to do laundry!


Anonymous said...

I agree laundry is not fun, mostly because you have to keep doing it over and over.
We have had so much rain that I think a lot of people did not buy fireworks. Usually we hear some during the day but there have not been any. My dog hates fireworks and kid1's dog is big and terrified of them. Since that dog and kid1 have moved, it is not my problem. Kid2 is dog sitting this weekend since kid1 is running the firework stand. Froggy

Otter Mom said...

We just came in from watching the fireworks, the biggest display lasted about 1 1/2 hours and it was spectacular. My firebug and firebug jr used up all the sparkers - by each holding several of them in a bundle and lighting them all at once. She did her smoke bombs this afternoon.