Sunday, July 25, 2010

Sunday Stuff

I couldn't think of a good title for today, it's Sunday and we've done a lot of stuff so Sunday Stuff it is.

Let's see, what have we done?

I've been up since about 5:30.  I usually get up about 5:15, and I was going to get up about 6:15 this morning anyway but I woke up at 5:30 and couldn't go back to sleep so I just got up.  The dogs still had to wait until about 6:00 to come in and get fed.

We got busy early with mowing the lawn this morning.  Before it got too hot.  The temperature is not actually extremely hot, high 90's, but the humidity and lack of breeze is a big issue.  We got the mowing done, but it was the first time in 2 weeks for the front because it's been so hot or it's been just rainy enough.  The back was mowed last week, so it was easy.  But the front was hard because the grass was so tall and there is enough shade that it was still pretty damp from overnight dew.

The resident bull frog was hanging around the dog's water dish this morning.  Sometimes he hangs out in the water dish, and I've seen him all over the place but mostly he's close to the water.  He's a pretty big boy.

I actually got Bill to go shopping with me!  Of course, he needed something from the hardware store so that probably has a lot to do with why he agreed to go.  While we were out, we went to a thrift store and the dollar store.  And to another hardware store.  We were only out and about for a couple of hours, so he didn't have time to get ShopCrazyBored.

Otter is off with Aunt Froggy and crew today.  I think the plan involved shopping.  Or at least that's what Otter was hoping.  She comes home tomorrow, bright and early.  I'll probably go into work a little early, then leave at around 8:30 to go to the airport.  Her flight gets in at 9:15 and I'll take her back to work with me.  She's going to be tired, she has to be at the airport in SA around 5:00 a.m. so she'll have gotten up really early.  But she'll be able to rest and take it easy at work, then when we get home she can take a nap if she needs to.  That is, when Maggie Moo lets her, dog's been clingier than normal this week.  I think she misses her person.

We saw a hot air balloon this morning when we were mowing.  It was bright red.  I tried to get a pictutre of it, but it was landing by the time I saw it so I didn't have enough time.

Not a whole lot going on around here at the moment.  Just laundry, but that's my normal Sunday afternoon activity.  I'm going to go crochet in a few minutes, I'm about half-way done with Otter's new scarf.  It's going really fast.  When I'm finished, I'll post pictures on the craft blog.  But that's about the extent of my exciting day.


Anonymous said...

we went shopping, and shopped until she dropped and ran out of money. had a great time today. froggy

Otter Mom said...

Yeah, she said you shopped her until she dropped but I think she enjoyed it.
We had fajitas for dinner, I went to our favorite Mexican place and got take-out.