Friday, September 10, 2010

The End of a Long Week

I'm so glad that it's finally Friday.  Even though we had a 3-day weekend last week and a shorter work week, it still seems like years and years since last Friday.  Who knows why!  It just does.

We had rain earlier in the week.  Along with most of anyone south of us and east to northeast.  Thanks to TS Hermine.  But we didn't get all that much in our area, something like just under 3".  Texas was really hit bad, and the southern part of Oklahoma.

It came through this area on Wednesday.  Just as the termite inspector and appraiser were here for their inspections.  No termite evidence, which is what we expected, by the way.  We're still waiting on the septic inspection, I have to call the bank on Monday and see why we haven't heard from whomever they hire for that.  The septic inspection is basically a walk around the yard to see if there are any yucky spots where water is coming up.  It's basically just a formality, but it's required because we have a septic tank and are not on a sewer line.

I haven't had much time to crochet this week, I did get the prayer shawl shipped off yesterday and I did a couple of rows on the throw pillow covers.  I have one half of one finished and most of the second side.  Then I have three more to do, I'm not sure if they will all be granny squares or a different pattern, but I'll figure it out.  It's kind of a work-in-progress thing.  I'm hoping to get some crochet time in tomorrow, which shouldn't be a problem at all!

My knees are killing me today.  The open house at Otter's school was last night, and her classes this year are mostly in different buildings for each class and most of them are upstairs.  It was not a fun experience, following her schedule.  I enjoyed meeting her teachers, I just didn't enjoy the process of getting to/from the classrooms.  I'm paying for it today.

We're having chicken fajitas tonight.  I'm going to head in the general direction of the kitchen in a few minutes and get started cooking.  And then I'm either going to get a motrin or a glass of wine.  I haven't decided yet, but I'm leaning in the direction of the wine.  And probably opening one of the many books that Otter and I got at the library this afternoon.  We might make strawberry ice cream, too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ice cream sounds good. I took myself to cici's pizza today. It really doesn't work to order or buy pizza for one. Froggy