Monday, September 20, 2010

Miscellaneous Monday

Just so Froggy can't tell me I haven't blogged lately!

Monday was busy, but then it generally is.

Willie Boy went to a small town nearby and came home with another pachinko machine.  I asked him how many this makes and he can't remember.  Which means that he's got too many!  Although I'm sure he disagrees...  Well, my stash is fairly large as well so I guess I'd better not complain.  Much.  :)

Froggy - he went to the town where we found the antique store that had the train cars and was next to the concrete place with the gorilla.

I'm not really worried about Maggie Moo, after I posted last night's blog I thought maybe it sounded worse than it is with her.  We don't really have any serious concerns about her regarding what the first Tagalong was like, but having been through that experience once we are a little more observant of things.  Maggie is her normally, silly self today.  She was very happy when she heard the school bus go by, and just about jumping out of her own skin by the time that her Otter got to the door.  Maggie gets to go outside and greet her Otter, I wait until Otter is up on the porch and nearly to the door then I open the door just a little bit and Maggie goes outside to meet her then Maggie comes right back inside.  Maggie knows that she has to have her leash on to go very far and she is very happy to see Otter but she seems to be very careful when she is going out the door, almost timid.  Frasier has to be held back, I don't trust him not to run off just because he thinks he can get by with it.  So he has to wait until Otter gets inside before he gets to greet her.

My dog, on the other hand, was calm to the point of oblivion when I got home.  He was asleep and I had to go wake him up!  My own dog, more interested in a nap in the sunshine than greeting me.  But he was happy when Otter got home a little while ago.

(Bill just told me that he's got 29 pachinko, but it's about to be 28 because he's going to tear one apart for parts.  And he said that he's got a few ready to sell, so we'll be down to 25 in no time.  Not sure if I really believe him or not!)

The pollen counts are high.  Ragweed especially, mold is high but ragweed is about as high as it's ever been.  It's really difficult to deal with, it's starting to really affect me today.  Otter and I are taking turns sneezing and Bill is even reacting lately.  And he's about the most non-allergic person there is, so it's really bad.


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