Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Not Whining Wednsday

Just Wednesday.  And I couldn't think of a good title, although I did try!

I've been walking around the yard.  The surveyor just left.  He basically measured the house, the lot and where the house sits on the lot.  It's part of the refinancing process, just not one we've ever had to have done before so it was kind of surprising when he called yesterday to set the appointment up.  We are still waiting to hear from the septic inspection, but that one should be fairly easy.  All he has to do basically is look around the back yard for any seepage.

The dogs survived the vet check yesterday.  Maggie Moo has lost about 2 pounds, which is a good thing.  But she's still pretty fluffy!  Frasier might be a couple of pounds lighter as well, but he wasn't really still when he was on the scale so we're not sure.  He's still around 70 lbs, and Maggie Moo was (I think) 28.  Everybody is in good health, the vet checked Frasier's foot & ears, a couple of things on Maggie we have noticed and they got assorted shots.  Which they didn't like but they tolerated.  And Maggie got the butt squishing that she usually has to get.  Which did not please her, but it's a necessary thing for her on a regular basis.  I also had heart worm tests done, which is a blood test.  They've been on preventive medication for a few years (ever since we got them) but it's a good idea to get the test done every so often.  They were happy to go for a ride in the car, and very happy to leave the vet so that they could get another ride in the car and go home.  Maggie Moo sat in Otter's lap all the way home.  Frasier was chilling out in the backseat, he takes up the entire back seat in fact.

Billyboy gave blood today.  He does that on a regular basis.  Otter is not big enough, she doesn't weigh enough but that's not a bad thing.  She's where she needs to be.  I'm not a candidate to give blood, I've heard numerous times from various doctors how it's not a good idea for me, because I'd probably give them a whole lot more blood than they wanted!  Bill is a redhead, and he does bleed a little more than average, but he doesn't have the Redhead Curse as bad as I have.  Otter's got it, but she's in the middle between us.  She bleeds more than he does but not as much as I do.  My dad had a serious case of Redhead Curse, I'm just glad that I don't have it as bad as he did.  It's not fun.

The State Fair is in a couple of weeks.  We haven't been in 4 or 5 years.  We're going this year.  We'll go on a Sunday.  Otter and BF will have ride passes, which are available at a discounted rate for the next several days.  I'm not into the rides, I never have been.  My official job will be the Holder of Things while they are on the rides.  Things like billfolds, glasses, cell phones, shoes - stuff that we don't want to go flying over the fairgrounds.  I'm anxious to see some of the award displays, they are always fun.  Especially the needlework section - crochet, of course!  There is always a carving exhibit.  Each year, there is something big and frequently strange on display - carved out of butter.  This year, the fair is breaking with traditon.  Whatever it is this year will be carved out of cheese.  It's usually one of those "you gotta see it to believe it" things and it's always fun.

I think I'm about to have a creative explosion.  I can feel a strong crafting urge coming, it's not here yet but it is definitely on the way.  While I'm sure it will be mostly crochet, I think that I'm going to be getting some other projects done as well.  I haven't had a creative fit in a while, they are always fun.  Run now while you still can, Bill!  :)

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