Friday, March 25, 2011

Couple of Quick Friday Thoughts

This is so me.  Lola is a cartoon about a knitter, but it applies to crochet as well.

There are happy tummies around my house.  We brought home Fajitas!  Well, for Bill & myself.  Otter got tamales.  But the point is, we had Mexican food and we are stuffed.  Happily.  I think Bill's going to make margaritas in a little while.

Otter thinks that this is the beginning of a good joke:  I can't drink cheap tequila, because I have an allergy to something it's made with.  I have to have the good stuff!  I don't drink much anyway, and tequila is not my drink of choice so I don't have it often.  But I agree with her, if she could come up with a punch line that works she has the beginning of a funny joke.

Otter came home from school yesterday in the midst of an existintial crises:  Graduation supplies were delivered!  That means cap & gown, tassles, invitation, etc.  She said that she suddenly realized that the End of School is near.  At least, compulsory school.  Apparently, the herd she travels with (horde? group? flock? collective?) all had the same reaction to receiving their supplies.

Turning 19 in less than a week isn't even a blip on her radar.  Graduating from High School?  It's major trauma!


Anonymous said...

graduating is supposed to be major trauma. It is a big step. Froggy

Otter Mom said...

Yeah, I remember! I'll expand on that thought in another post.