Sunday, March 06, 2011

Sunday Selling?

(This is my "regularly scheduled Sunday" post.  It's also the 2nd one of the day.  TEXAS deserves it's own entry, free of the usual clutter.)

We're (attempting to) sell(ing) stuff on eBay today.  Bill's finally gotten around to decluttering!  He's got a couple of pachinko machines up, as well as some misc. r/c airplane and model components.  I have my french yarn listed and might get a few more things up.  Possibly even Fenton.

Yeah, I know.  I said I'd never sell any of my Fenton again.  But I really don't need 4 identical hats!  So, if I get around to it, 3 of them will be on eBay.  They might not sell, they are fairly common pieces.  Which is why I have 4 of them.  There are some pieces that I probably want/need spares for, but hats are not in that category.  I have a hat in a smaller size and in another color, along with the white one that's still on the Fenton shelves.

Speaking of decluttering, I have managed to get some destashing done.  I have used most of 4 different skeins and now have 4 very small amounts left.  I'm not necessarily trying to use up all of my yarn, just get the amount down because it doesn't do anybody any good if it's just sitting in the closet.  I've made two hat/scarf sets for my military donation project and have the yarn picked out for the next set.

I see a lot of crochet in my immediate future.  I really need to keep my hands occupied for the next several days, possibly a few weeks, as the cut on my face (from the car door a month ago) has now healed up and I'm treating the scar.  I'm using Mederma, which was recommended by the pharmacist at Walgreen's.  It does work, I've been using it for 3 or 4 days and can tell a slight difference already.  But it also itches!  Worse than you can even imagine.  But that means that the healing process has started.  It can take up to 3 months, depending on scar size and a couple of other things.  Since it's a new scar and not huge, it might not take that long.  It's still driving me absolutely bonkers.  I think that my overly sensitive skin is possibly a factor in the intensity of the itching, I've used a scar cream before on my surgical scar and it wasn't anywhere near this bad.  I've discovered that holding something cold against the scar helps, which is why I spent a lot of time yesterday holding a coke can up to my chin when I wasn't crocheting.  When Otter was little, we had a washcloth that was sewn into a bunny shape, with an area for an ice cube to be inserted.  It's meant to be used on small bumps, cuts, etc. as a soothing agent.  She called it her icy bunny.  I found it in the freezer yesterday, I think I'm going to start using it myself!  We always just kept it in the freezer so we'd know where it was at, since it's supposed to have an ice cube in it.  I'd forgotten all about it, actually.**

Otter and I went thrifting today.  No luck.  We went to the Border's that's closing.  No luck.  We went to an antique store.  No luck.  The only thing we bought today was a snack at a convenience store and advance day tickets for the movie we're seeing after school tomorrow.  (Rango, in case you are interested).

It's kind of hard to believe that this time last month we had 2' of snow on the ground and were in the middle of a 3-storm spell.  Today, it's sunny and breezy.  Still cool, but not cold.  It's been very windy, but it generally is this time of year.  I changed out the bedding today, I put the camo quilt away and put my patchwork quilt on the bed.  Bill made both of them, the camo is lightweight but extremely warm and the patchwork is still fairly warm but more of a warmer weather bedspread.  I also realized that we have a LOT of blankets!

I think I'm making sloppy joes for dinner tonight.  There is still a little bit of the spicy spaghetti sauce in the fridge, not really enough for spaghetti but probably enough for sloppy joes.  I have another jar of Ragu in the pantry in case there's not enough - I pretty much always have spaghetti and sauce on hand!  As Bill and Otter can attest to. :)

**Mom always kept her toothpicks in the refridgerator.  I grew up thinking that they just belonged there, so I always put mine there as well.  One day, I realized that it didn't make any sense and asked her about it.  She told me that it was so she always knew where they were when she needed them, which was perfectly logical for her.   Now mine are on the table.  But there are still some in the fridge for Mom!


Alexandra said...

I miss the days of selling on ebay. One of these days I'll start up again. Hope you get some good bids on your auctions and fast healing with your cut. :) Maybe try some topical vitamin A oil? Taking vitamin D pills help with healing as well, or at least that's what I've read. I take it for my low levels of D in the winter.

Anonymous said...

I still keep my toothpicks in the frig. That way I always know where they are. It makes perfect sense to me. My kids always know where they are also. It will be interesting to see if they follow the tradition.
Toadles-where do you keep them?
I want to see a picture of you using the icy bunny. Froggy