Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sunday Spells

Alternate title:  How do you spell __________?

Bill keeps asking me to spell words for him.  Since I couldn't decide on a good title for today, Sunday Spells it is.  There are not a lot of words that I can't spell.  But they are sometimes the words that Bill needs!  That's when it gets really fun.

Today is the first day of Spring, although I think it's actually still Winter until something like 11:23 tonight.  But as far as I'm concerned, Spring has sprung.  It's an absolutely beautiful day.  I spent a little time outside, I pulled weeds from the morning glory bed and a few brave weeds that dared to come up in the rock garden.  Actually, they were on the edge of the rock garden since it's got several layers of thick plastic underneath the rocks.  I did notice a few morning glory sprouts coming up.  I didn't stay out very long because a) the allergy thing has shown up and b) I'm still using the mederma scar cream and I have to avoid too much sun exposure.

I'm going to keep using the mederma, it is making a difference.  It is still itchy at times, but not as bad as it was.  I did some research and I think that the extreme itch reaction I had was most likely due to my sensitive skin.  I probably should not have been surprised.  But the scar is thinning out and fading, a lot quicker than I expected it to.  It's still sensitive to the touch, but I think that's normal.

Otter enjoyed her Spring Break.  It's back to school for her tomorrow.  Also back to work for Bill.  The dogs probably enjoyed Bill being home last week, they got to stay inside all day.  The snoozed a lot, but they'd have done that anyway even if they'd been outside.  They can be a tad bit lazy. :)

Blogger seems to be acting better today, I really wasn't sure if the last entry would post or not.  It looks like it did.  I'm not sure what the problem was, Blogger acts up at times and it gets really frustrating but I'm glad that it's working today.

The only remaining Borders store in this area has been added to the closing list.  They are supposed to start their clearance sales in the middle of the week.  Otter and I will go, but we really would prefer that they not have to close.  I won't be surprised is the entire chain eventually goes under.  Especially since they have started to add a lot more stores to the closing list.

Otter learned a new recipe yesterday.  We made salsa.  It's fairly easy, mostly it's just toss a few tomatoes, onion and pepper with a small amount of lemon juice into the blender or food processor and it's done.  Otter added garlic to hers and she used lime juice instead of lemon juice.  The store was out of jalepenos the other day, so we used soreno peppers.  They are ok, but I like the flavor of jalepenos better.  It was still good, still spicy and tasty.  I really like the Ninja food processor/blender that Bill got me for Christmas (or maybe it was birthday).  It's perfect for making salsa.

Other than that, just normal Sunday stuff going on.  Bill's been working on a pachinko machine and listing stuff on eBay, Otter had a few chores and I'm doing laundry.  The dogs have been out in the back yard for a bit, they weren't too crazed this time, and are now back to napping in the living room.  I also got a little crochet done and will probably do some more later.  Or maybe I'll follow the dog's example and take a nap!  That sounds really good, actually.


Anonymous said...

We put some cilantro in our salsa.
I spent time outside planting. The oak pollen is incredible high and that is a real problem for me.
We planted wildflower seeds in one of the raised flower gardens in the back yard. The other flower bed is ready but I don't know what will be planted there. Froggy

Otter Mom said...

Cilantro is evil and should be abolished. I don't like it, and I'm also mildly allergic to it.
The allergy season looks to be bad here.