Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sunday Spring?

Spring?  Really?

Can't prove it here.  It was in the 30's last night and might get to the high 40's today.  If we're lucky.

It's cold & damp, not quite misting but just kind of yucky outside.  Yesterday was a little warmer, but we also (I think) got a little bit of sprinkles.  I guess that this is better than that other type of spring weather we get in this area, so I'd probably better not complain much!

Because it's Sunday, I'm doing laundry.  I generally try to do some during the week so it doesn't all pile up on me by Sunday, but that didn't happen this week.  So I have a large pile of dirty clothing waiting on me.  Bill bought a new gizmo, it's an indoor dryer exhaust.  The dryer exhaust vent/pipe in the house might be clogged up again, which wouldn't surprise me as it's been about 1 1/2 years since we had it cleaned the last time.  But it seems to clog up fast anyway, probably because it's all straight up and is pretty long since it goes to the top of the roof.  So we'll see how the indoor vent affects drying time.  Bill's an engineer, and that means that he likes just about every gadget that comes out!

We had lunch out today.  We went to Cici's Pizza.  Well, Bill and I did.  Otter is off with BF and they are going to have barbecue at his house.  So I don't feel too sorry for her, missing the pizza.  Cici's was very crowded and the buffet line was loooooooooooooooooong.  We go to early church and are out around 10:00, so we'd kind of forgotten about the early afternoon post-church crowd.  But I got my spinach pizza, so I'm happy.  We also went to the Blockbuster that is closing and found a couple of dvd's, to Bill's other home (hardware store) and to the dollar store.  Didn't buy too much at any place, but it was still a fun trip.

Movie review:  Skyline.  We were not impressed.  At all.

I think Otter has gotten over her emotional crisis regarding graduation.  She reports that all of her friends were back to normal on Friday, so I think that the crisis has passed.  (It wasn't much of a crisis, really).

I've managed to get some de-stashing done.  I've made 3 hat/scarf combos and some other misc. stuff.  I'm going to quit the scarf/hat combos for a while and get a few other projects done.  I'll get more scarf/hats done, I'm just going to work on some other stuff for the immediate future.  As I use yarn and just have small amounts left, I'm tossing it in a bag and then later on I'm going to make a few more clothes hanger covers with that yarn.  I might get some more crochet done today, I'm working on a project that is slow going.  I got some done on it yesterday, when I finished the 3rd hat.

If it ever gets warm enough, I have a few other craft projects that I want to get done.  Some of them involve paint or glaze, so it has to be warmer and dry.  Possibly this next weekend.  It's  supposed to be back in the 70's and clear.

We'll see.  I'm not going to hold my breath on this one.


Anonymous said...

What is skyline? I don't think I have ever heard of it. Froggy

Otter Mom said...

It wasn't in the theaters long, and I can see why. It came out last summer and it was a sci-fi movie that looked like it was reminiscent of the older style sci-fi. But it was bad, and I'm glad that we only wasted rental fees and not the full theater ticket price.