Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Middle of the Week Stuff

Not much stuff happening, actually.  It's just Wednesday.  My major activity today, aside from going to work, was to buy groceries.  And I got the car washed, along with three or four other people who were in line ahead of me.  So if it rains, it's not entirely my fault.

We could use some rain.  This time of year is known as Fire Season for a very good reason.  This year seems to be living up to the name.

This is interesting:

March 25: Waffles of the world, frolic! Today is International Waffle Day!

We have had waffles a couple of times lately, so we probably won't have them on the 25th.  Which is Friday, and work/school days are quick breakfasts anyway.  But, hopefully, somebody somewhere will have them!  Froggy?
Otter's tulips are looking good.  There aren't as many as we hoped, but some of them may be slower to come up than others.  We have a variety of colors & types planted.  Two have already started blooming and the rest have buds.  They are ahead of the daffodils this year.  I took a couple of pictures with Otter's camera yesterday, and she'll eventually remember to get them uploaded on my computer so I can post them here.  Or I will, since I forgot it too!
Otter's had two migraines in the last month.  She had the 2nd one yesterday.  She woke up with it.  She took a motrin and went to the couch, where she stayed most of the day.  She's also had some allergy issues lately - and she's not alone there.  But it's Spring, and that means allergies for us.
OK, I've updated my exciting life!  Now, I think I'll go crochet.


Anonymous said...

don't have a waffle maker so I can't have waffles. Froggy

Otter Mom said...

I think pancakes would count then.