Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sunday Sleepies

Hope everybody remembered to Spring Forward this morning.  We're sprung.  And eventually, I'll catch up with it but I don't like it.

Spring Break is this week for Otter.  Bill's using some of his vacation time, so he'll be off this week as well.  I'm taking Friday off.  Not sure what we're going to do, we don't really have any rambles planned at the moment.  I'm sure we'll think of something.  We did discuss the zoo, but allergies are starting to get bad so we think that might wait a little while.  We might go thrifting, look for yardsales or something along those lines.

Otter has her annual lung recheck at the allergist on Tuesday.  I don't anticipate anything changing, she's doing very well as far as the asthma is concerned.  Her allergies are not horribly bad, it's just the time of year for them.

It's gotten colder again.  It's not cold, but it's definetely cooler than it was for a while.  It's grey and cloudy today, we could get rain later on.  Maybe, anyway.

I managed to get some crochet time in yesterday.  I'm nearly through with the third scarf to donate.  It will also get a hat to match.  Then I think I'm going to switch to a few other projects, and come back to the scarf/hat combos later.  I have a few things I want to work on.

I have soup in the crockpot.  It will be dinner tonight, and probably tomorrow night as well.  Along with some being frozen for Bill's lunches.  It was going to be lunch, but I didn't have enough time before church to get it started.  So as soon as we got home, I got busy chopping vegetables and got it going.  It will still have time to cook, we'll just eat a little later tonight than we usually do.  I'm also going to make a pot of beans, probably Tuesday.  And cornbread!  Gotta have cornbread with beans.

I put some yarn scraps out for the birds yesterday.  I've always just tossed them out in the yard, but I am trying something different this year.  I put the yarn pieces in a suet holder and we'll see if that works.  The birds use it for nesting material, they always find it on the ground.  But someone said that they use a suet holder and the birds find it, so I'm trying it this year.  So far, I'm not impressed.  But we'll see, it's still early and the birds are just now starting to think along the lines of needing nests.

The tulips are coming along nicely, I'm not sure that all the bulbs we planted are going to come up.  But there are still plenty, and lots of daffodils.  I'm also thinking that there may be a morning glory or two starting to sprout, at Otter's trellis.  But there are also weeds under the trellis, we haven't gotten out there to pull them yet.  I did pull weeds from the edge of the rock garden, but I haven't done much outside yet.  I pulled up what was left of the mum plant in the front of the house, I'm not sure if I'm going to plant something else there or not.  Also, we aren't sure yet what we'll put in the whiskey barrel.  We would love to be able to find bluebonnets again, but they haven't been offered the last few years.  But we still have plenty of time, it's only mid-March.  Our volunteer bluebonnet is starting to bloom, although it looks funny.  But it's a bluebonnet and we're happy.

In TEXAS, mid-March is the time to start planting.  But in NE Oklahoma, it's still winter.  We could possibly still have winter weather and need the heavy coats, there are still several weeks until we should have spring weather on a consistent basis.  Spring weather as in temperatures and not spring storms, please!  We had too many of those last year, and I really don't want to go through another year like that.  But it could still have been a whole lot worse.


Anonymous said...

I am planting mostly seeds this year -cosmos, poppy, sweat pea, sun flowers, morning glories, petunias, snapdragons and a few more whose names I can't think of at the moment. I also have chocolate mint, marigolds,snapdragon and 2 bluebonnets. These 4 plants i got free.
I have seen the hint about putting nesting material in a suet feeder, just have not tried it.
I saw the first hummingbird on 3/15. Froggy

Otter Mom said...

We probably won't see hummingbirds for several weeks. I'm always anxious to see them.