Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Wet Tuesday Stuff

First off:  I wanted to address Froggy's comment about graduation being traumatic.  It is, it's a big life step and it is something considerable to experience.  When I graduated, I was fine up until just a few days before the ceremony.  Although I was in the school choir, I Lettered in Choir in fact, I made the decision not to be part of the choir at the graduation ceremony.  I wanted to walk in with my graduating class, and to be in the choir that night would have meant that I couldn't do that.  So my last official performance as a member of the award-winning choir was at a concert a few nights prior to graduation.  I wasn't the only one, several of us made the same decision.  Our teacher probably would have preferred that we perform with the choir until the end, but he was a wonderful man and he understood.  He also understood the fact that at the last concert, most of the sopranos (including me) were in tears during the last song - and trying to hold each other up so we wouldn't fall off of the risers we stood on!  (Along with a couple of the tenors and possibly an alto or two, it seems like there were a lot of us that graduated that year.)  Because that's when it hit us, all of us at once, that it really was the end.  That's what was traumatic for me and the rest of us, by the time of the actual ceremony we'd gotten over the trauma.  But that last concert was rough!  Even the teacher was emotional that night.  By the time the ceremony came along, we were all better but it was still an emotional time.

So I'm not surprised that Otter and her friends had a few moments.  But they are all fine now.  For the moment, I'm sure!

Froggy, what was your trauma?  I remember when you graduated, at one point all the parents of graduating seniors were asked to stand up.  Mom was holding my hand in a deathgrip (probably because she was having issues with her daughter being old enough to graduate!) and she yanked me to my feet when she stood up!

It was kind of rainy today.  We had thunderstorms sometime late last night, or possibly very early this morning, I'm not sure exactly.  They weren't bad.  There wasn't much rain, but it was wet and misty all day.  Cool and cloudy and not spring-like at all.  It is supposed to be cool tomorrow, I think, and then warmer by the weekend.  I hope so, I'm ready for Spring!  (But NOT SLS!)*


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't remember much about graduation being traumatic. It probably was. I will have to think about it more. I do remember the guy next to me was drunk. That was pretty crummy.
We need rain badly. We are almost to stage 1 water restrictions. It is bad when we get there this early. It may be a long,long summer. Froggy