Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Otter has had a spot on the bottom of her left foot that she thought was a callus, but it kept growing and developed a spot in the middle that looked llike a wart.  So, a trip to the dermatologist was in order.  She had a plantar's wart, which is what we thought, and today she learned just how (not) wonderful it feels to have something frozen off!  Bill's had skin cancer spots frozen off before, he said that it feels like a cigarette burn.  Otter's experience was probably worse at the time, because it was longer and there were several spots that the doctor treated.

She's got her foot propped up, which is what she's supposed to do tonight.  She has classes tomorrow, but she's got gauze & neosporin ointment, and the doctor also recommended foam corn patches because they will pad the area on her foot some.  Also, she can use perioxide.  Ideally, she would be able to stay off her feet tomorrow but since she can't, she'll have to be careful and the best thing for her to wear would be sandles tomorrow.  But, as a cold front is on the way in and it will be in the low 50's tomorrow, sandles are not practicle.  She goes back in 3 weeks for a follow-up.

Plantar's warts are caused by a virus and are fairly common.  There is a chance that it could recur, but it won't automatically.  She'll have to keep an eye on things, and if she does think she's getting another one then it'll need to be taken care of at the time.

We did get to instruct another non-redhead on the joys of the Redhead Curse.  The nurse was familiar with it, but the doctor wasn't.  We'd already mentioned the bleeding to the nurse, and she knew about it.  But we forgot to tell the doctor when he started the procedure.  The "callus" area had to be scraped/cut off prior to the freezing process, and Otter did what most redhead do:  she bled, fast and more than the doctor expected to see.  I saw his head jerk back and his eyes get big, and I realized that he was unfamiliar with redheads.  So, he got the lesson.  Then after the cutting part, he was surprised that it took longer than "normal" time to hold pressure on the spot to stop the bleeding.

We had our standard "recovery meal" tonight. DiGorno's pizza! I'm probably going to make strawberry ice cream later on, but that's just because we want it. It's always good.

Anyway, weather.  We will be in the 50's the next couple of days, but I'm not sure what the end of the week and weekend is supposed to be.  I think we might get rain tomorrow night.  Today was in the 70's or thereabouts, and it was pretty breezy.  As the day got later, the wind got stronger and now it's at the Rocks-in-the-Pocket stage.  (Rocks = weight so you don't get blown away).

Dogs are next up to discuss.  The last couple of mornings, they've been running around the deck like they were tracking something so we thought that we'd had an animal visitor.  Then yesterday afternoon, they started running like crazy in circles around the shed.  After a while, they stopped running and started looking underneath the shed.  At one point, Maggie Moo crawled underneath the shed and that's when I brought them back inside.  I don't think it was a skunk, but just in case it was, they had go to back inside.  I'm leaning towards one of the neighborhood cats, and Frasier's been raked down the top of his snout by something with claws.  I let them out while ago and they seemed uninterested in the shed, so whatever it is has moved on already.

Now, they are back to their usual occupation:  sleep!


Anonymous said...

It could be a possum. Cookie got one trapped under a shed in our yard years ago and they are vicious. I think you would know if it was a skunk by now. Hopefully if the dogs stay away from it long enough it will leave on its own.
We are supposed to get cooler weather in a few days, I don't know the details yet.
Get well Otter.

Otter Mom said...

I don't think it's a possum. I'm pretty sure it was a cat, they do get in the yard sometimes and they've hidden under the shed before. But it seems to be gone now.

Alexandra said...

I had those warts in my early twenties, and boy it hurt when they burned them off and scraped. There was more scraping at the follow-up, but they've stayed away for twenty + years, so far. I think they offer a anesthetic shot near the site, but that hurts an awful lot too - needle in the heel - ehhhhh! My older sister has them now and just got hers treated as well.

Otter Mom said...

Otter's foot is still bothering her, but mostly when she's been walking all day. The wart itself is a lot better. We hope that they never come back, the doctor said that they might but he didn't think they would.