Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Spoke Too Soon!

Well, I thought I was on the mend.  But I woke up with a really B.A.D. sinus headache this morning.  I took motrin and went in to work.  The motrin helped, but only to a point.  When my younger boss got there, he took one look at me and ordered me home.  But first, he put his hand on my forehead and told me I had fever.  So, I went to the walk-in clinic and it turns out that I have a sinus infection.  Which I really wasn't surprised about.  So I'm on an antibiotic, along with Willieboy.  Not the same one, however.  Mine is a little stronger, after I told the doctor about my sinus infection history he felt that the slightly stronger one was the best.

I used to get sinus infections pretty often, I had them quite a bit when I was a kid and young teen.  When I was 16 (the doctor didn't want to do the surgery before then because I was still growing), I had what is basically plastic surgery to get my septum (cartlidge piece in the middle of the nose) rebuilt.  The inner parts of my nose & sinus cavity aren't quite "normal" and as a result, I had the frequent sinus infections.  After the surgery, it got a lot better but it didn't really get completely fixed.  So I still tend to get them, just not anywhere nearly as often and I think it's been a few years since I've had one.

My nose isn't quite straight anymore, due to having it broken at least twice since the surgery.  I collided with Bill one time, and about a year ago I ran into the back of Otter's head when we were getting out of a car.  I know it broke the first time, but I'm not positive about the 2nd time.  But there is at least one other time when I'm pretty sure it was broken.  At the time of the surgery, the doctor told me that it would probably not be possible for me to have any more rhinoplasty (the actual name of the plastic surgery on noses) due to the way it had to be repaired - the bridge of my nose is much narrower than most people's because of the surgery.  I'm not too concerned about the fact that it has a small bump and isn't quite straight - it still works and it still looks much better than my "original" nose ever was.

I'm actually not feeling the best at the moment.  I spent a few of hours curled up on the couch and that's about as active as I've been.  I feel a little better, I just don't feel the best.  I'll decide about tomorrow and work in the morning.

Frasier has hardly left my side today.  He's a very affectionate doggie normally, but he seems to be very sensitive and he's a Klingon today.  (Star Trek reference, the dog is extra clingy).  When I was laying on the couch, he got as close to the couch as he could before he stretched out on the floor and periodically he would put his head up over the edge and look at me.  I think he was checking on me.  He's a good boy.

We put the dog's vet appointment off until Thursday.  I'm sure that Maggie's not too upset about that!


Anonymous said...

get better quick. lots of fluid, chicken soup, and rest Froggy

Otter Mom said...

I've had more chicken soup than the law allows the last few days!

Alexandra said...

I've got a deviated septum, so I get sinus blockage on my right side. Those mucus thinners(guaifenesin) have really been a godsend for me. Do those work for you? It's really weird only getting a sinus thing on one side of the face! I get a knot right next to my nose(maxillary sinus) and pain above only one eye.

Otter Mom said...

My sinus infections are usually on one side, the last one was my right side. I usually can't take anything for allergies because they make me sleepless at night, dull in the day and don't really have much of an affect on the problem. But it's still a lot better than it was before the surgery. The surgery did repair a deviated septum as well as attempting to fix a couple of other things and it did help quite a bit.