Tuesday, October 04, 2011

It's Taco Day!

Today is a fun day!  I'm not sure if it's a National Day or an International Day.  But either way is fine with us!  (The picture is from my trip to TEXAS last year).

Of course, we had tacos for dinner.  I forgot to take the ground turkey meat out of the freezer this morning, so we stopped at the grocery store on the way home and grabbed some.  I also picked up a container of Wholly Guacamole, but I forgot to put it out so no whack-a-mole for us tonight.  (It'll probably not survive long,  possibly tomorrow's snack style supper will be nachos and it will be gone quickly).  And, since I was later than I wanted to be and starving, I picked up a package of Spanish Rice mix.  Which I almost never do, but I didn't want to wait for Nuclear Spanish Rice to cook.  The mix was good, considering that it was actually Spanish Rice flavored vermicelli (think spaghetti).  At least the refried beans were actual beans, even if they were from a can and the fat-free variety.  We're stuffed.  But it was so good!

Did you have tacos today?  If not, you should have.


Anonymous said...

is the picture from the whole in the wall? I haven't been there in a long time. I am going to have to go soon. Froggy

Otter Mom said...

Yes, it is from the hole in the wall. Wish I could eat there more often.

Alexandra said...


We had clam marinara spaghetti tonight. Tomorrow night - soft tacos!

Otter Mom said...

We actually have spaghetti fairly often. Usually, we have it at least once a week because it's just about my favorite. However, I'm out of it so I have to resupply when we hit the grocery store this week.