Sunday, October 23, 2011

Sunday Giraffes

Today's title brought to you courtesy of Otter!

Otter had a homework assignment for one of her classes, Biology class I think.  Among other things, it involved a trip to the zoo.  This is one homework assignment I insisted on helping with!  She usually just does her homework assignments when she gets home or possibly the next day, but this one was a little different.  And, since I am my mother's daughter, I never pass up an opportunity to go to the zoo.  The day we went was really nice and it was very crowded.  We hadn't been out there yet to see the two new giraffe girls, so it was a welcome assignment.  The picture is one of the two girls, I can't remember their names, but the idea is to give the male giraffe some companionship that will hopefully result in baby giraffes.  The otters were asleep or at least inside their dens, but then they have been every time we've been lately.  But we did see lots of turtles, and the chimpanzees were very active.

There are two baby chimps and they are so much fun to watch.  They seem to have no end of energy and there are times when it looks like the adults would gladly ship them off somewhere!  But they are really cute.  Watching them, it's obvious why some people think we are related to or descended from them.  (We don't believe that, by the way).

It's a nice day today as well, although it was very foggy this morning.  Yesterday was cool and a little breezy, then we had a rather long-lived thunderstorm last night.  There might have been some rough weather south of us, I'm not sure, but we didn't have anything bad.  Just bright & noisy!

Movie Review:  Rio.  This is another one of those "Don't Bother" movies.  Bad writing, stupid story.  Not one we will rent again.

I'm feeling a lot better.  I don't have much sinus pressure and no sinus pain.  I haven't had a headache since sometime yesterday.  I'm through with my antibiotics now.  Bill's a lot better but he's still coughing some.  Back to work for both of us tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

I have not been to the zoo in so long. Maybe I will get someone in my family to go with me and visit the zoo.
Any typos are courtesy of Kid3's cat. He keeps walking on the keyboard or sitting between me and the monitor.
Any way I love the giraffes and watching the monkeys. Don't we have at least 1 family member who acts like a monkey? Froggy

Otter Mom said...

I have a few pictures of the chimps that I'm going to email to you and Toadles. One in particular reminds me of him!