Thursday, October 06, 2011

Tired Thursday

I'm tired.  Mostly, because my allergies are beating me up.  I'm feeling foggy brained and sneezing frequently.  When I'm not sneezing, I'm coughing.  And wheezing, since the asthma is waking up due to the allergies.  I can't take allergy medicine, I have never found ANY at all that work for me.  They just make me dull & listless, and they keep me awake.  All of them.

So, I mostly just have to suffer.  I take motrin for the sinus pressure and/or headache, and try to keep the liquids pouring down for the irritated throat.

Actually, the allergy attack isn't extremely bad, it's just that it's "just enough" that I know it's there.  And that it's only going to get worse for the near future.


I managed to get some crochet done today, I'm finished with the hat & scarf I was making but I still need to finish weaving in the tails on the hat.  And the scarf needs to be fringed.  But they are easy to do.  If I can find the time, that is.

I went to the grocery store after work today and it was kind of busy.  I don't like to wait until Thursday, but it just worked out that way.  I would have gone yesterday, but I had to take the car back in for something (the steering wheel was crooked) so I put it off to today.  We filled up the trunk, it was one of those "we're out of everything" trips.

Yes, I wore one of my Longhorn shirts.  No tailgating today, but tomorrow is the day that could be bad - since the Game is the next day.  I did compliment a teenage boy in the convenience store this morning, since he was wearing a Longhorn jacket.  He appreciated it, and I know how he feels!

We'll have company this weekend, so Bill's going to get out the grill.  I don't think we've used it at all this year.  I guess I'd better ask him if he checked the propane level!  It would not do at all to run out of propane in the middle of grilling burgers & dogs.

That would be a Bad Thing.

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