Friday, April 20, 2012

Bill's Not a Golfer

But he got a birdie!  Actually, it nearly got him.  And it was probably an eagle.  Yesterday morning as he was stepping off the front porch to go to his car, he heard something rustling right above his head and he looked up just in time to see a very large, feathery shape flying away rapidly.  He thinks it was a 4-foot plus wingspan and that it had taken off from sitting on top of the roof over the porch.  Bald Eagles are in this area, they nest west of Tulsa and have been spotted in our area before.  We've all seen them in different spots.  There are a lot of red-tailed hawks, but this was bigger and was in all probability a bald eagle.

We had rapturously happy doggies last night.  Among other things, Otter and bought several bags of pasta at the grocery store.  We keep thinks like pasta, rice, sugar, flours, etc. in plastic containers with lids.  Comes from having had to deal with bugs in the first apartment we had in Tulsa because they didn't treat for them.  We've continued to keep things like this because it also keeps stuff fresher.  Well, not all of the pasta made it to the container.  I spilled about 3/4 of one bag and the dogs were on it like lightning.  I have seen them move fast on occasion, but this time was probalby their fastest time.  Otter had to fight through them to get it swept up, but they still managed to eat quite a bit of it.  They were very quiet last night, probably too full to do anything but sleep!  When I was washing dishes this evening, I noticed that Maggie was trying her hardest to get underneath the china cabinet and I think she might at least have gotten her tongue underneath because I heard crunching noises coming from her general direction, so I don't think that Otter got it all with the broom.  I think I'll take the yard stick and run it underneath the china cabinet, I don't want rodents OR bugs!

We were supposed to get thunderstorms last night but all we got was some rain and not much or hard rain.  It was cloudy and cool today, I think it was in the high 50's most of the day.  It was actually nice, once the sun came out late in the afternoon.  Tomorrow is supposed to be nice and then I think we have a stretch of several days with no rain in the forecast.

Otter planted jalepeno seeds several days ago.  She wanted to start them indoors, since it does get cool and sometimes too wet this time of year.  She used two cardboard-ish egg cartons and potting soil, along with the seeds (obviously!).  As of this evening, there are no signs of anything growing.  I'm not sure how long it takes for them to sprout, but I'm beginning to wonder if they are going to.  She planted them lastl Saturday or Sunday.  We've been putting them in front of the dining room window so they are getting light, and watering them.  We'll keep watching for a while.

Hope they work, fresh jalepenos are delicious!

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