Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Wednesday Rambles

I can't think of a good title today.  It's not a Whine Wednesday, just Wednesday.

Also, Blogger is making some changes so my blog may look totally different.  I'm not impressed with what I've seen so far, but it's not something I have any control over.  It's supposed to take effect sometime in April.  As I type this, the screen is totally different from what I'm used to but I'm not sure if the screen to read on is going to be changed.  When or if!

Yesterday was one of those days with wild weather.  Although we don't live there anymore, Texas is still our Home.  It always will be.  Tornados are bad anywhere and we have had our fair share of rough weather here over the years, including a couple of somewhat close calls.  We hate to hear of anyone being affected by that type of storm.  So I'm not trying to minimize anyone's trials of having to go through it.  But when it's the place we come from and will always belong to, it's a little more difficult.

We are so thankful that there were no fatalities.  We know people who live in the area, and some of them are family.  We give our thanks to our Heavenly Father for protecting all of them, and for the fact that it wasn't any worse than it was.  It could have been so much worse.

I'm hoping that it's not going to be a bad spring as far as storms are concerned.  It's not looking too promising, at the moment.

We are taking the poochsters to the vet tomorrow.  Maggie is going to get her regularly-scheduled butt squish.  She's not going to be happy.  But it is necessary!  Both dogs need more heartworm pills, so I'll pick those up while we are there.  Frasier is going to get the spot on his leg that I might have mentioned before, but I can't remember.  He started out chewing another spot a while back, but it's suddenly gotten very big.  Like bigger than a large grape.  It's also mottled black & reddish.  It could well be a tumor, but I think it's probably what mom used to call a blood blister.  However, given the fact that he's had a tumor-like growth before, there is no telling.  So, a visit to the vet is in order.  Hopefully, it's not anything serious.  If it is serious, and there is only one thing that I mean by serious, we'll "cross that bridge when we come to it", which is also something mom used to say.

Otter and I let the dogs out in the back yard when we got home and since it was so nice, we decided to stay out there ourselves.  We played with them for a while, Otter ran around with them for a while and then she remembered that she was given a bottle of bubble mix at her friend's party a few weeks back.  Maggie was scared of them the first time she saw them, so we really weren't sure what to expect this time, but Maggie was pretty good.  She was a little goosey at first, but then she realized that there weren't going to hurt her and when a few popped on her, she didn't even react.  It was fairly breezy, so Otter held the loaded bubble wand out and let the breeze do the work.  It was a lot of fun.  We could hear doves, and saw several.

Of course, we're both paying for it now with allergy symptoms!  Otter will probably take an allergy pill tonight.  But it was so worth it, we really need our outside time on a regular basis and we haven't had much the last couple of days.

And since I still haven't come up with a good title, I guess Wednesday Rambles is it!

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