Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Tuesday Stuff

Yesterday was National Librarian's Day.  I meant to post something about it, but I had one of those days that the orange cat picture was a perfect example.

This week is National Library Week.  It's always good to highlight libraries and reading.  Been to the library lately?  If not, well you should!  As soon as possible.  My future librarian college student recommends regular library visits.  They are good for you!  We went this afternoon, but we usually go at least once a week anyway.  I also bought 4 books at a thrift store on my lunch hour today, so I'm set for a few days.

Books and reading in general are good, not just at the library.  Although libraries are a very valuable resource and they need all the help/funding we can give them.  I have always said that, even before Otter was ever around and it's definetely not just because she wants to be a librarian.  But I'm even more aware of it now.

I think the dogs have been taking shark lessons.  Maggie is a carpet shark, but now they have a new shark trait.  They love pasta, as soon as the see it they will start the sad puppy face and won't leave us alone until they get a bite.  We had spaghetti tonight (big surprise, I know) and both dogs were absolutely nutso while I was cooking.  I gave them both a piece (they like it cooked or uncooked, they aren't picky) and they did a pretty good imitation of the shark from Jaws.  You know, the scene where the people are chumming the water and the shark pops up with his mouth open just as the guy is tossing the chum overboard, and it goes right into the hungry shark's mouth.  That's exactly what they looked like, although with fur.  Frasier never quite looks tame, he is as spoiled as it gets and very lazy, but he's got enough coyote that he doesn't quite look like a "dog" and he really looked like a coyote tonight.

Frasier also looks sleek today.  We took the dogs out in the back and had a brush session.  Frasier was turning into quite a tribble machine, and the yard now looks like a tribble factory.  He loves to get brushed, except that it apparently invigorates him because he'd run off and run in circles around the yard every so often.  Then he'd come right back and get in front of the brush again.  Maggie likes it as well, but she doesn't shed very much.  Most beagles are smooth coated, but Frasier is a fluffball.  As it gets warm, he gets fuzzier and everything is covered in a coating of dog fur.

I did have to wash the dog blankets yesterday, Frasier ignored them for a while but Maggie was quite happy to park her furry little behind on them.  Especially when they were freshly out of the dryer and were still warm.  She looked very content.

Maggie may not be a smart dog, but she does know what she likes!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a test comment. I commented on stress day but I don't see it listed. I went to the library on library day and checked out 4 books. I have bought a few and I am keeping those so that I have something to read when we move before I can get a new library card at where ever we end up. They better have a good library or I will be spending a fortune on books. Froggy