Monday, April 02, 2012

Some Miscellaneous Monday Stuff

Before I forget, Froggy - you are working too hard!  Don't over do it, it won't do anyone any good if you exhaust yourself or make yourself sick.  Like I said before, it's time for a Guilt Trip - you need to send both of those strong sons of yours on one and the road they follow on the Guilt Trip needs to lead them straight to your house.  Yes, I know that # 2 was there over the weekend, which was good.  But # 1 needs to help!

We found one of these lovelies building a nest on the overhang on our front porch yesterday.  We forgot about it, so it's still there.  It's right over the front door and there might have been two of them on it - I was in a hurry to get in before I dropped what I was carrying and Otter was just in a hurry to get in because she hates those things!  She's very much her mother's daughter and bugs are no problem for her, but aggressive ones with stingers are not anything we want to mess with.  The nest won't be there long, Bill's going to take care of it after he mows the front yard this evening.  Most bugs, we leave alone.  But not yellow jackets.  We get the occasional hornet as well, they usually get a fast meeting with something such as the bottom of a shoe.

We've seen a few honey bees lately and a couple of bumble bees.  I leave those alone!  They were all over the redbud tree while it was blooming.

We found a total of 7 naturalized Bluebonnets in the front yard.  Seven!  That includes the one that Bill mowed the other day, and one that came up in the whiskey barrel.  We transplanted three into the whiskey barrel, but I think only one has survived.  The other two were small and one of them had probably been trampled a few times.  The remaining two are left alone, they are outside of the whiskey barrel but are close to it and I've got some plastic edging around them.  Bill's been warned within an inch or his life!  He normally won't mess with them, seeing how he is a TEXAN.  But the ones we transplanted were actually several feet from the whiskey barrel.  I'm not surprised that two of them died, since they were really a little big to transplant.  We'll start looking earlier next year.  Otter did get some pictures for me, but I haven't gotten them uploaded yet.

She also got a few pictures of the tulip bed, it's doing wonderfully.  We planted three or four different kinds, with different bloom times so we've had tulips for a lot longer than normal.  I think the original daffodils are probably at the end of their life span, they came up but didn't even put on buds.  The frilly daffys we planted last fall are happily blooming.

Tulips & daffodils do make us happy.  But not as much as bluebonnets!


Anonymous said...

I wrote a comment and then I guess I deleted it. My daffodils came up and looked lovely, but none of them bloomed, so I am pulling them up.
I know that I am working to hard, but it all has to be done within a week and a half. Both boys will be here Sunday so maybe they will help.
Congrats on the bluebonnets.
I miss being able to plant anything right now. Maybe after we move I can plant a lot of things to make up for not planting now.

Otter Mom said...

I thought your deadline was a little further away.
If you buy a house with land, or even if you buy a house with just a yard - you can plant bluebonnet seeds. They'll probably work better for you than up here in Okie land. Mine are all from seed but they are from seeds dropped by previous plants and are now naturalized. Texas rules!