Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Calm Wednesday

I can't think of a title today.  It's been a calm week, mostly.
It's also been cold, although today was not so bad.  It's been in the 30's but today was in the 50's and sunny.
Otter and I went to the grocery store today.  She was off today so she hung around the house.  She was off yesterday, but she was running around with one of her friends (think shopping!) but today was a goof-off day for her.  She still had a few things she did for me, but she mostly just relaxed and played with the dogsters.  I'm sure the dogs didn't mind!
Bill's hammering pins back into the back of a pachinko machine at the moment.  The back is a fairly thick piece of wood and the picture is attached to it, then he has to replace all the little pins and that means he has to hammer each pin in individually.  Each pin has to be set at the right height or depth and it's tedious.  He has a wooden mallet he uses, he did briefly threaten to use my tack hammer but he thought better!  Smart boy, the tack hammer is off limits 200% for him.  :)  There are over 200 on the background he's working at the moment, which is probably about average.
Wooden mallets are not much quieter than a regular hammer, at least not when they are being repeatedly used right next to me!

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