Friday, January 24, 2014

Carrier Monkeys

I like that phrase.  It's funny.
It's also appropriate.  Bill is home today, he still had tummy issues this morning so he stayed at home.  Otter was already off today, but her boss had asked her to call him this morning about extra hours today.  However, she woke up with really bad "allergy" symptoms this morning, so she was hoping that she wouldn't be needed.  Her boss wasn't in when she called, he is apparently still sick himself.  Otter isn't well, she is afraid that she might have the flu but she doesn't have the right symptoms.  She has something, but I don't think it's the flu and it's probably not "just" allergies either.  They didn't need her to go in, which is what she wanted, but she probably would have if she'd been asked.
And so do I!  I have had allergy issues for a while, but more the last couple of days.  I went to work this morning then realized that I had a sore throat - and had for a while.  I left shortly before noon, I did have a few errands and I decided to go ahead and get them done while I was still feeling decent enough.  I added in a stop at Sam's, and I bot several large cans of chicken broth because it is a chicken noodle soup day if there ever was one.  I went to the post office and to put a couple more things in the booth (didn't look like anything had been sold) and I stopped at the butcher shop for rib eye steaks for Sunday.
Otter and I were going to the flea market tomorrow, but we're thinking we will probably have to put that off until later.  We're still going to make monkey bread in the morning (appropriate now, don't you think?) but that was the planned breakfast for tomorrow before the comment about Carrier Monkeys.  We just won't head out the door after breakfast, but I won't be surprised if Otter goes back to bed and Bill takes a nap.  The dogs will probably nap as well, but that's a normal activity for them.
I had to go find Frasier just now.  Maggie Moo was happy to see me when I got home, but Frasier was nowhere to be seen.  After a couple of hours, I realized that I hadn't seen him at all.  Which got me concerned, he is an old dog and it is pretty cold.  He was ok, he was out in their yard - snoozing in a sunny spot.  He was quite happy to see me, he came inside and then he turned right back around and went back to his sunny spot!  He'll be in later, when he gets tired of napping in the sunshine.  Then he'll probably nap on their blankets.
Weather is the next subject.  It's cold.  It was 8 degrees when we got up this morning.  Eight!  Mighty cold.  But at least we don't have the ice & snow that Froggy has in the Austin area and that the San Antonio area has.  The news this morning showed reports from SA, people were abandoning their cars on the freeways because they were icy.  Texans ain't wimps, but we do know when it's smart not to do something.  But we are stubborn and sometimes it takes us a little bit to realize that maybe we shouldn't be attempting whatever it is!
Now, I'm going back to my migraine.  First one of the year.  I'd have preferred not to have to deal with it but it's not horrible.  I got Tylenol, aspirin and caffeine down as soon as the flashers started.  They didn't last long.  I have a bit of a headache but it's not that bad, considering that it is a migraine.

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