Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Mowed Down

The beagle no longer has to be worried about getting lost in tall grass, the mowers got here this afternoon.  Of course, the beagle is still a tad bit silly but at least she doesn't have to worry about being eaten by weeds.
Cost $60 and they didn't do the best job, but it's done and I'm glad.  Our friend was tied up and sent someone to take care of our yard.  Bill said it was like Bubba & Bubba!  They spent more time starting their mower which kept quitting, than he would have taken to mow both the front and back!  They also had a weed-eater running, which is also good because that is usually my job and it's not one I enjoy. :)
We've made a discovery.  It's a new-to-us tv channel.  Retro TV.  We found it totally by accident yesterday, Bill was changing channels and he found something special.  Extremely special.


Last night, we caught the first episode that was broadcast on Retro TV.  It was not the original episode, although we have seen that one.  It was probably very early in the first season's run, maybe 3rd or episode in.  Two episodes per night and we intend to watch every single one that we can.  According to the website, the first several seasons will be aired.  I think that what they are actually doing is running the entire original series, it was off the air for several years until # 9 (Christopher Eccleston.)  That means that "Teeth and Hair's" entire run will be broadcast.  # 4 IS the best Dr. Who, hands down.  Although # 9 was very good, he was just one season, and # 10 was excellent (David Tennant) but # 4 IS Dr. Who.

I still think that the theme would make an excellent ring tone.  But I think I'd want the first theme, it changed later on in the series.

But then I'd either constantly call myself just to hear it ring, or I wouldn't answer my calls because I'd want to hear it!

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