Thursday, August 28, 2014

One Potato, Two Potato, Three Potato, Four!!

Bill is having a Domino Day.  Also known as one potato, etc.
He was on his way from the pachinko hoard/workroom to the kitchen so he could clean parts - which needs the sink.  He was carrying the super-strong bleachy cleaner he uses and he dropped the bottle.  When it hit the floor, the lid flew off and the cleaner exited the bottle fast.  It splashed on his pj legs, they got taken to the sink immediately and cold water running over them - 2nd potato.  He also got it on his legs so he got washed up - 3rd potato.  Then he took a bunch of paper towels to the large spot in the carpet in the hallway and then he yelled for me to get the steam cleaner.  As soon as he headed in the direction of the bathroom (our closet is off the bathroom and the steam cleaner is stored in the closet) and as soon as he gets close, the clock in the bathroom launches itself off the wall and the batteries pop out!  Four!!!
At that point, I told Bill that he was not allowed to even think about using any sharp objects or power tools tonight, and I wouldn't even let him plug the steam cleaner in himself.
Otter thinks we should just wrap him in bubble wrap and seal it shut with duct tape, just leaving enough space so he can breathe.  Then I think we are supposed to prop him up in a corner somewhere so he'll be safe.
Froggy thinks he should just go to bed and stay there until morning.
I'm very glad that tomorrow is Friday and that it's a 3-day weekend.

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