Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Today is a Fun Day

It's International Dog Day!

And my two heartily approve! 

Thursday is another fun day, but it's more for Billyboy than for the dogsters.

50-cent corndogs!  Bill saw the Sonic commercial and immediately announced that he knows what dinner is on Thursday.  Guess I'd better plan a stop at Sonic on the way home!
We nearly had another water outage in my small town.  Saturday, it was announced that we were being asked to restrict water usage due to an algae bloom in the city's water plant that was clogging the filters - the new filters that they put in last year after the water outage we had.  That one actually involved other issues, but the filters were bad and so they were replaced then as well.  The new filters are supposed to be better than the old ones.  Anyway, we were not supposed to use outdoor sprinklers, wash cars, fill pools, etc., and that was supposed to be through Monday morning.  Monday morning comes along and the city does not make any announcements, but apparently they thought that we were just all going to still restrict usage.  Gotta tell people that, folks!  So, Monday's water usage was more than normal because people were making up for last time as far as the amount of water they used.  But the algae wasn't cleared yet and was actually making the filters work ever worse.  So, they announced yesterday that we were still to follow the restrictions and that it would be fixed by today.  Today comes along and guess what!  The filters are still not cleared.  By today, the city had already had to switch to the reserves in the water towers and the level was dropping pretty quickly.  We were told that if they didn't get the filters cleared, we were on the verge of having the water restricted like last year when we were told not to use it at all.  Otter ran the dishwasher for me this morning before she ran off with a friend, she filled the dog's water dish to the brim and filled up a couple of pitchers.  When I got home, I went ahead and ran a load of laundry - a big load.  I also got the coffee pot ready for tomorrow morning and refilled the britta pitcher Otter keeps in the fridge.  I also planned on getting a shower the minute we finished dinner.  But shortly before we got through with dinner (we were listening to the news on tv), the city announced that the filters were cleared and that the restrictions would be lifted in the morning to give them time to get the towers filled.  I went ahead and took a shower, just in case they change their minds and we don't get the ok for full usage - not beyond the realm of possibility.  I hope the water usage restrictions are lifted, Otter works the truck in the morning (unloading and stocking) and she usually runs to the shower the second she gets home after truck day!
Also, I think that today might be the anniversary of when Bill and I got remarried.  Either today or it was Sunday.  It's not a day we really celebrate, January 26th is the original anniversary and that's the one we acknowledge.  But every so often I remember the day in August.
Labor Day is next Monday.  Already.  I don't think we're going to do anything much, Bill might grill some steaks or we might not even do that much.  He's probably going to work on pachinko machines, but that's a no-brainer!  I might get some crochet done.  Also a no-brainer!  I started the poncho that Otter wants on Saturday, it's a new stitch pattern that I've never done and it took me a few tries to get it right.  I frogged it out yet again yesterday and re-did it, I think I finally got it figured out and it looks right.  I worked on it while I was waiting for Chevy to change the oil in my car this morning and it really looks good.  It's going to be a fast project, if I have the time to actually work on it, because it's a fast stitch and stitch pattern.  Froggy, I am going to get back on Uncle Crazy's lap blanket but not until it's a little cooler.  A yarn blanket is not exactly what I call easy to work on when it's 100+ degrees!
It's officially Ragweed Season.  I've known it for days, but the weather forecast includes the allergy/pollen count and it's officially showing up today.  I could have told them that!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy late anniversary. Froggy