Friday, July 27, 2007

Friday and I'm glad! Very long week.

We drove by the rent house after work today, the tenant is still there. He had a self-moving van in front of the house and a trailer attached to it so he can put his muscle car on it. The car was sitting behind the trailer, it looks like he had the car filled up with stuff. When I talked to him yesterday, he was hoping to get going today but if he wasn't able to get out early enough he said he would wait until probably Saturday. I don't blame him on that! Since he was still there, I guess he's waiting until Saturday. Our plan is still to go over there on Sunday, unless I hear otherwise from him.

I've been cleaning out stuff, I cleaned out the cookbooks several days ago and sold two big lots of them on eBay. We have a few other books that we have on eBay now. I have several small planter-type vases that really don't work for anything, they are animal shaped mostly. They will probably get put on eBay next week. We're pretty much finished with the eBay business except for a few things, and overhead projectors will still be on eBay for a while until we run out. But I'm trying to clean out stuff and as I do, I find things that might sell. But I am looking forward to being done with it. It was fun, but I think we probably should have quit last year like we originally planned. We still have a few Halloween & Christmas things that we'll put on eBay closer to the correct seasons, no sense in putting up Halloween costumes in July! But they are small and don't take up much room. Remember the box of Nativity sets, Froggy? The one we found at the thrift store when you were here.

Maggie is asleep in the floor beside me. My blogging is accompanied by the sound of a beagle snoring! She's so funny. I got her to dance again this afternoon. Frasier came running, but mostly because he wanted the attention himself. I hope he doesn't decide to try to dance, because when he stands on his back feet he is taller than I am!

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