Thursday, July 26, 2007

It's Been a Few Days...

So I thought I'd better blog again. Before somebody gets on me about it! Don't want any mad Froggies, now do we!?!

Our tenant will be gone tomorrow. I talked to him today, he is planning on leaving early in the morning. My leasing agent called while ago, she will meet us over there Sunday afternoon and she'll do the walk through then. Normally, they are done before the tenant actually leaves but he wasn't through packing & cleaning and didn't think he would be through before late tonight and she really doesn't want to go over there either that late or before dawn tomorrow! Not that I blame her, I wouldn't either. So it will be done without his presence, but I think he'll leave it clean. He's been a good tenant and I know he wants his deposit back, so we don't expect any nasty surprises this time. Unlike the last two times, which were both evictions.

Hopefully, we can get it on the market within a few weeks. I'd like it to be sooner, but Bill can't get off until the week after next so if there is any big work it has to wait until then. We know that the carpet will have to be replaced, we were going to replace it the last time but he had dogs so we didn't.

I just want it to sell, quickly and for what we want. Until it does, we will have two mortgage payments. As Otter says, Oh Joy!

Otter starts 9th grade two weeks from today. We go Tuesday to pick up her schedule and get her locker assignment. The bus should be the same, but we'll check on that to be sure. Seems like they move the bus stop every year, between our house and the next door neighbor's driveway. We'll also be able to order her yearbook and see where her classes are.

Oklahoma finally has a sales-tax free weekend! It's the first Friday through Sunday of August. It's for clothing & shoes mostly. Otter won't need much to start school on, but all of her jeans are suddenly short. Those legs just keep getting longer and longer. She probably needs tennis shoes and maybe some misc. things, but not too much this year. Or at least I don't think she will - we haven't really checked most of her shirts to see if they fit. We will probably start at WalMart on the Friday and then if we don't find what she wants (and what I will let her wear), then we will go somewhere else on the Sunday. And I'm going to give in and buy myself some jeans that fit. I'm tired of constantly having to worry that my jeans are suddenly going to be down around my knees! I know that I have dropped two sizes, and most of my clothes are pretty loose now. I took 4 blouses out of the closet on Thursday and every one went right into the Goodwill pile after I tried them on and was swimming in them. I'm not finished losing weight, so I'm not going to buy a lot of clothes. But I really have got to have some jeans that fit!

We finally finished the book! I stayed up until 11:55 Sunday night and Otter finished it the next morning. It was very good, and it was the perfect end to the story line. It could not have ended better. Thank you Froggy, for buying Otter the set of Harry Potter books. I think it was either a set of 3 or 4, I don't remember which. But she definetely got your money's worth out of them!

Maggie has finally learned the trick we've been working on for weeks! She dances. She sits up on her behind and her back legs, then she puts her front paws up and waves them up and down. When I put my hand down, she puts her paws in them, stands up on her back feet and when we tell her to dance, she does! She's only done it a few times, but it's really cute. She's not the sharpest crayon in the box, so it's taken her a while to learn it and it is going to take more work to get her to remember it. But she's a sweetie. Frasier obviously thinks he's above all that stuff, I've given up on teaching him anything. He can learn, he is about as smart as it gets. He just doesn't want to!


Anonymous said...

Before you buy school clothes check on the dress code. Some of the schools here are very picky.
About time you blogged!

Go buy your jeans. You need something that is comfortable and fits you. Congratulations on your weight loss.
Frasier doesn't need to learn any tricks. He has the perfect life-sleep, eat, get petted and start all over. Pet Maggie and Frasier for me. I would love to see her dance. Froggy

Otter Mom said...

We already know what the school dress code is. It's basically common sense. The real dress code Otter has to follow is mine! But fortunately we usually agree.

Yes, Frasier does have a good life. He takes the dog toys outside, he doesn't mind if Maggie plays with them but he doesn't want them inside. I go out and bring them back in on a regular basis, yesterday they were all piled up by his wallow near the woodpile. At least he made it easy for me!